(57) Thursdays

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Florence was rummaging through her very disheveled bag in search for her bottle of ink. She was clearly running late for her tutorial sessions with Noel Johnson, the third one in two weeks. This was the first time she was going to turn up late.

Nicolai had been nowhere in the commons after school, which made her wonder if she was with Alexander—who she hasn't seen since fifth period as well. Their schedules were different, too different, that it was possible that they still had classes during late afternoons.

She snatched her quidditch jumper that hung on her Firebolt. Her beloved broom was propped against her night stand, gathering dust since apparently it was of no use for the whole year. It had been somewhat like a clothes hanger for her now.

Florence raised out of the common rooms, down a couple of staircases before arriving at the library. Sure enough, Noel was already seated on a table, along with a girl who looked like she was in his year as well.

"Hey you." Florence greeted as she took a seat, Noel smiling at her. "Hello, Florence. How was your day?"

"Just fine," she replied, setting her parchment and quill down, "Yours?"

"It was great! Professor Hagrid showed us a bowtruckle for Care of Magical Creatures. Lisa and I were just talking about how it leaped up and danced on Katie Bell's head awhile ago."

"That must have been a sight to see."

"It was!" replied the girl, who was called Lisa. She had seen her with Noel during multiple occasions now, and began to wonder if they were a couple. "Anyway, I need to head up to the commons to check on my brother... Also I wouldn't want to disturb you two." she said, standing up.

"You're free to join us, if you want," said Florence, "I really don't mind."

"No, it's okay. But thank you for the offer." she smiled, before making her way out of the library. Florence turned to Noel, a smile on her face."That was your girlfriend, wasn't it?"

The boy's face lit with embarrassment, before he shook his head, "No. Lisa's my best friend. I don't get why people always ask me that."

"Best friend." Florence repeated, an impish smile on her face, "Sure, Noel. Whatever you say."

"Oh give it a rest," he sighed, "She is my best friend. Can't boys and girls be best friends? You don't see me teasing you about always being with Alexander Haddlowe, do you?"

She snorted, "You absolutely have no idea how many times we've been mistaken as a couple. So I know what you mean....Now, let's get to your homework. What do you have for me today?"

"Er, well, we're starting on the Drought of Peace. Professor Snape gave us homework regarding the ingredients and I was just going to copy off of Lisa but I think it would be better to learn them myself."

"Exactly. That's it. You're slowly starting to take responsibility." Florence smiled, "Let's get to it then, yeah?"



"Shouldn't you be with Florence?" George asked skeptically as he watched Nicolai play around with their ingredients, nearly spilling one of the contents. He scoffed, promptly taking it away from her as if she was an infant child who loved breaking things.

"Well... She's with Angelina's brother right now, she's his tutor—but you already know that I bet. And I was on my way to find Xander when I heard Moaning Myrtle grumbling about, and I quote, troubling redheads in her bathroom, I just figured that I checked what you guys were up to."

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