(134) Disbanded

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The week had barely begun when they witnessed Umbridge's attempt at exercising her power by trying to boot out Professor Trelawny from the castle. The events that soon followed made the whole week drag on for what seemed like forever.

Dumbledore had further enraged Umbridge when he had appointed a Centaur by the name of Firenze to take over the school's divination class. Upon writing to her mother about this, she had found out that Umbridge held such deep contempt for half human creatures. This was very evident in the way that she looked at Firenze. The centaur remained unfazed by these hostile actions, and seemed to have done well during his first day, as Florence had heard a few say they liked the way he taught.

The day after that, Olivia had sheepishly approached Florence and apologized about her gloating attitude, remarking that it wasn't just Xander's nagging that got her to apologize, but also the fact that she did not want to get too cocky and completely ruin her chances.

Florence accepted the said apology, along with the promise that despite this, she would not go easy on her when game day came.

Some time in the middle of the week, Harry had scheduled another D.A meeting.

Getting to the Room of Requirements was surprisingly easy that night, as none of the Inquisitorial Squad members seemed to be on patrol and prowling the hallways. Even Mr. Filch, who was particularly hellbent on catching students out of bed, was nowhere in sight.

Florence paid no mind to this, her thoughts shifting immediately as soon as she stepped into the Room of Requirements. There was just something that was so great about their meetings, she thought. Getting to practice defensive spells and hexes was the second best activity that she loved to do.

Harry decided to brush up on the patronuses. There were still a select few who had trouble in conjuring a corporeal patronus, and he wanted to get everyone polished with this spell before the school year would end.

It was a seemingly normal evening.

Until the sound of the doors opening and closing alarmed people.

Florence perked up, looking to Fred with wide eyes, "Wait, I thought everyone was already present and accounted for?"

Alexander was looking around, as was Nicolai, trying to see if anyone had been late in arriving. But everyone was there, worry starting to rise up as the room came to a quiet hush, watching the small creature walk up to Harry.

It was Dobby the house elf.

"Hi, Dobby!" everyone had heard Harry's enthusiastic greeting, only to be followed by a troubled tone, "What are you—what's wrong?"

Harry's silence made everyone avert their attention to the house elf, watching him tremble nervously. The patronuses lingering in the air started to fade away, and soon it was just pure silence, awaiting Dobby's next few words.

Harry Potter, sir..." squeaked the elf, trembling from head to foot, "Harry Potter, sir... Dobby has come to warn you... but the house-elves have been warned not to tell..."

He then unexpectedly rammed his head against the wall, making Florence flinch. She had been surrounded by wayward house elves growing up, seeing a few self punishments here and there, but they had never resorted to such painful measures.

What's happened, Dobby?" Harry asked, grabbing the elf's tiny arm and holding him away from anything with which he might seek to hurt himself.

"Harry Potter...she...she..."

He bashed himself with his free fist, which Harry had held back too. It had clicked way faster in Florence's head, Harry taking a few seconds to register what the elf was saying.

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