(113) Winter Wonders

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Hogwarts' grounds were transformed into a winter wonderland as the days passed by, drawing closer and closer towards the holidays, which would be a great relief for everyone, especially for the seventh year students who have been burdened with monstrous amounts of homework and things to do. But despite this, it did not keep Florence glued to her textbooks, especially now that she had two convincing redheads who constantly reminded her to let loose every once in awhile.

So there they were, walking around in the snow buried grounds, just as they had finished all of their work. Nicolai was building a snowman with Alexander, who was bothered by the fact that it's head was not completely spherical, making Nicolai give out a retort about him being too much of a perfectionist.

Florence had been helping them out with their snowman too, which they named Maureen, when Fred and George beckoned her over, mischievous looks on their faces. She eyed the pile of perfectly crafted snowballs warily, "Snowball fight, really?"

"Even better," George grinned, whipping out his wand, "Our brother's upstairs catching up with his homework..." he said, pointing at the snowball. With an incantation, it flew all the way up, before flinging itself against a closed window, which was presumably part of the Gryffindor tower, "We thought it would be fun to throw him off a little."

"You two are horrible brothers," she laughed, watching as Fred sent the next one hurtling upward, "It's a sibling thing, love. You wouldn't really understand."

"Well I've never been more thankful to be an only child than this moment."

"Are you and your mum, uh," he leaned closer towards her, to prevent being overheard by other people, "Spending the holidays at Sirius'?"

"I'm not sure, really... She hasn't mentioned anything about going anywhere for the holidays." Florence explained, "Then again, it could be because she's swamped with work."

"And maybe because it isn't really safe for her to be mentioning Sirius at all in her letters, now that the whole castle's activities are being closely monitored." George chipped in.

"That too. But I'm sure she'll make time for us to swing by and visit if she's not planning on staying there for the whole time."

"Flo!" she heard Nicolai shriek in frustration, the brunette turning around only to find that her two best friends had gotten into a bicker fest yet again, "He's ruining the snowman with his big hands!"

"Big hands?" Xander retorted, partially insulted, "My hands are the right size for my height, for your information."

Florence sighed audibly, as Fred flicked another snowball up towards the Gryffindor tower. A few seconds later, a window cracked open, Ron yelling at the two to stop what they were doing. And the twins being the twins, flung a much larger snowball at their brother's face in mid rant.

"Horrible, horrible brothers...." Florence tutted yet again, flinching as Nicolai yelled her name for the second time.

"Didn't you hear me the first time?" she frowned.

"I heard you, Nic. And I'm sure the entirety of Europe also heard you as well, with how loud you're shouting."

"That's a little bit of a stretch..." Nicolai muttered, sticking another pebble onto the snowman's head, which was indeed an abnormal-shaped sphere, "I see what you mean. Xan, Maureen looks like someone just bashed her head in with a snow shovel."

"Maureen has lots of enemies." the blond boy replied, "Just keep it that way. It makes her look like she leads a very thrilling life."

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