(162) Doing More

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"I could get used to this all day." Nicolai sighed, as she opened her eyes that fine sunny morning, watching a blond headed girl scamper around the barely furnished room in her towel, scouring through boxes of their possessions cluttered around the small space.

"Do you know where I placed my scrubs?" Jillian sighed in frustration, completely preoccupied in her search to pay attention to the flirtatious comment sent her way. Nicolai rolled her eyes, knowing that she wasn't going to get anything when her girlfriend was not in a playful mood. She pulled the sheets over her head, listening her ruffle through the rest of the boxes, groaning from time to time.

"Nic, love. Where did I put my scrubs?"

"I dont know" Nicolai replied, "All the clothing boxes all look the same."

The sheet was yanked from her body, half screaming as she was exposed to the light, "It buurns," she wailed dramatically, her eyes screwed shut. Fluttering it open, she saw an impatient woman glaring at her, frustration evident on her face, "Love, please. I need your help."

"Fine," Nicolai groaned, swinging her legs off of the mattress that lay right on the floor. They barely had furniture, so they had to compromise. Moving to their newly bought house was a good idea until they realized they still needed to buy a shit load of furniture. They had a mattress. A couch. And a shit ton of boxes filled with loose things like dishes and picture frames with nowhere to put them in. They also needed a dresser.

Nicolai yanked the tape off of one of the many boxes labeled 'clothing', rummaging through it gently so as to not wrinkle the others. Jillian meanwhile was tearing through everything like a hurricane, making Nicolai frown, "Why do you need it anyways? You don't work today."

"I don't. It's a volunteer thing. I can't be late for it."

"What volunteer thing starts at..." she squinted, looking at the clock they had so poorly hung on a crooked nail that was driven into one of the walls, "7 in the morning...? And on your day off?"

Jillian shrugged and smiled softly, "It's for a good cause." she explained simply.

"Aw, what a heart of gold. One of the reasons why I love you." Nicolai cooed, before yanking a pair of gray scrubs from the bottom of one of the boxes, "Found it."

"Lifesaver," Jillian half gasped, planting a quick kiss on Nicolai's lips before snatching the clothing from her hand and running to the bathroom. She got up and followed, "Aw come on babe you can change out here." Nicolai teased, pressing her cheek against the bathroom door.

"I can't. Silly. We don't have curtains yet."

"Ah, curtains, you're referring to one of the many things that we have on that one important list of important things we were gonna buy for the house today 'cause it was supposed to be the first day off we've had together ever since we moved here?" Nicolai said, almost falling over as Jillian yanked the bathroom door open, walking out already fully dressed in her scrubs and her long blonde hair in a tight bun.

"Woah, you really are in a hurry, aren't you?" Nicolai said, Jillian shoving her used towel in to her girlfriend's arms, "Hang that for me, will you? I have to go now."

"Wait," Nicolai said, before she could cross the threshold of their room, Jillian turning around to watch her drop the towel on the floor. "I can't... We don't have hangers either. We're supposed to buy them today."

This made her chuckle, moving towards Nicolai and stepping over the towel on the floor to get to her, "Hey, I'm sorry, okay? This thing just came up and it's very important. Karen asked me to help out, and frankly its too noble of a cause to say no to." she explained, cupping Nicolai's face with her hands, before giving her a tender kiss.

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