(135) Havoc Spectacular

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"No..." Florence whispered horrifically, as if she was trying to get herself to believe that it wasn't actually happening, "Professor Flitwick, she can't do that, can she? You can't cancel the Quidditch final!"

"I'm afraid she can, Miss Price. With Dumbledore's absence and the Minister's decree, she is now Hogwarts' new Headmistress. As much as I am displeased by this news, whatever she says goes from this point on. And seeing as your name and Miss Banks' were on that list, and also that you two are captains of the two final teams, well, this must be her punishment for the both of you." the short man replied, looking to Professor Sprout for support, "I'm afraid even our combined protest will not do a thing."

"Oh bullshit," Olivia seethed, her knuckles white from gripping the arm rest tightly ever since they broke the news to the two captains, "She was teaching us fuck all in Defense. Harry only stepped up to do what she wasn't doing right."

"Miss Banks, I understand you are upset, but please, do mind your language." Professor Sprout chastised, silencing the raven-haired girl.

"So...there won't be a cup at all?"

"I'm afraid so, Miss Price." Flitwick mumbled, "Though I was very excited for our team. I was hoping to see that trophy in my study room by next week."

Professor Sprout looked at him funny, "Don't be too confident, Filius."

"Anyway," Professor Flitwick dismissed, "Another reason for your presence here is that the Headmistress wanted us to inform you two that the pair of you will be joining the rest of Dumbledore's Army for detention everyday after school."

"Ofcourse," Florence sighed, rubbing on her temple, "As if I don't already have enough on my plate."

They were dismissed shortly after, Olivia exiting the office in silent rage, not bothering to wait up for Florence at all. However, Fred and George had been waiting just outside the office, getting up from where they sat as soon as Florence came to view.

"So, what was it?" Fred asked, slightly concerned, what did they want?"

"Well, the Quidditch final is canceled. No shiny trophy for anyone. Also, detention, with you lot, everyday after school until we get out if here."

"I heard about the detention bit. Have you noticed her snooty Inquisitorial Squad? I've heard Umbridge gave them point-docking powers. They've been docking points from other houses all morning." said George.

"Montague even tried to dock points from us awhile ago. We pushed the bloke into the vanishing cabinet before the words left his mouth." sniggered Fred.

"The Vanishing Cabinet? I mean don't get me wrong, I hate Montague just as much as the next person but does anyone even know where the other end of that thing is? He could get lost, or seriously injured."

"He'll be fine," Fred reassured, "Won't pop up after a week or so and would be a little disoriented, but apart from that, nothing too serious."

"We're sorry to hear that your game's been canceled, by the way."

"Yeah, I was kinda looking forward to rubbing that trophy in your face," Florence joked, "Anyway, what's done is done. I don't regret being a part of Dumbledore's Army one bit... Let's head to lunch yeah? I'm famished."

"Yeah...about that..." George trailed off, looking to Fred nervously as if prompting him to speak out as well. Florence frowned, looking back and fourth between the two, "What is it?"

"We, have uh, something planned." Fred explained, much too vague for Florence's liking, her frown growing deeper at this, "Planned something?"

"Look, Flo, we're done here. We don't care for school anymore. Honestly, Harry teaching us defensive spells was one of the biggest reasons why we chose to stay."

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