(49) Festivity Troubles

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"What exactly did you tell him?" Nicolai asked, she, Alexander and Florence were looking at some things that people sold by the stadium. The ticket recieving line was awfully long, and Mr. Haddlowe insisted on standing in line for them while they roamed around and bought stuff.

Adrianna's face was covered in Irish-themed facepaint, with a matching scarf and a flag to go with it. Florence waited for her to move over to the other stand before she replied to Nicolai.

"I told him that... I told him that I didn't feel anything anymore." she mumbled, shrugging as Nicolai gave her a look.

"That's a lie, right? And a really good one. You know that's not true. I know that's not true. Heck even the Minister of Magic knows that isn't true." Nicolai argued.

"Well, he did the same thing. Atleast he know now how I felt."

"Florence!" Nicolai chastised, dropping an Irish hat back on to the table, "I thought you knew better."

"What?" said Florence, baffled as to why Nicolai had said that.

"You're being petty," she deadpanned, "Yes, I mean he did start it first but seriously? Doing the same thing he did, you're just making things stretch out when simple, really."

"It's not simple! I can't just walk up to him and say how I feel and hope that everything is going to fall into place."

"Uh, yes you can." Nicolai insisted, "You just have to have the balls for it."

"She doesn't have balls, I'm pretty sure," interrupted Alexander, who grabbed a small flag that had a godawful Quidditch pun inprinted on it, "You have your woman parts."

"You know I don't mean that kind of balls, Xander. Merlin, I'm trying to talk some sense into our friend here. Run back along to your sister and continue fangirling about hot Quidditch players..."

Alexander scoffed, dropping the flag back onto it's pile, "Dad's calling us back actually, where almost going in."

Florence sighed, as it was a big indication that she could get away from Nicolai's sermons for most of the night.

"Don't think we're done with this—I will be getting back to you after the game," Nicolai said to her, as if she had just read her mind, before tailing Alexander back towards the line for the stadium.

Mr. Haddlowe had given in their tickets, and as they entered the venue—it was as if their ears were going to fall out of the side of their heads from how loud everything was.

There could have been more than tens of thousands of people all packed in to watch the game, and their individual chattering made the whole thing noisier.

It was cramped up by the walkways, people struggling into getting into their designated boxes. Luckily for them, they had gotten one of the best seats in the venue, along with the other members of the Holyhead Harpies.

Florence could not stop smiling as she was introduced to Gwenog Jones, who shook her hand despite the fact that she was staring really hard at her. Adrianna eventually snapped her out of the trance and proceeded to introducing her to the rest of the team.

There had been quite a lot of people coming in during the next following minutes, and Florence completely turned away as she saw a big family of redheads pass through the walkway from above.

She could clearly see Fred—or George, grinning wildly as they scooted through the mass of people, and Harry Potter and Ron hot in their heels. Florence sucked in a breath, hoping that Nicolai didn't see them.

She didn't. Florence exhaled in relief.

Shortly after, a voice ringed throughout the whole area, "Ladies and gentlemen . . . welcome! Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!"

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