(56) Extendable Ears

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"It's been a week now," said Nicolai, flipping through her book whilst talking to Florence, who was just as engrossed in her studies, "You have History of Magic four times a week... And you've managed to avoid Fred every single time?"

Florence looked up from her book, "I don't avoid him. I just prefer not to interact with him."

"Sounds just the same to me," Nicolai huffed, "Honestly, when are you going to talk to him? This is getting ridiculous, Flo. He's sorry and he only wants you to start acknowledging his presence again."

"In overly excessive manners, I might add," Florence scoffed, turning a page on her book, "He doesn't have to be so obnoxious about it..."

Fred Weasley had been nothing but excessively obnoxious on their first week back. He often wrote notes to Florence on the chalkboard before classes started, and she would have to get up and erase it herself.

With the obvious help of George and Lee Jordan, he had somehow managed to spell out 'I'm sorry' with a huge amount of chicken wings and a gigantic silver platter, and was served on the Ravenclaw table during dinner.

Nicolai wished that George still talked to her, so she could atleast know what they were up to. But there she was, trying to figure out her best mate's complex mindset, and slightly judging her for it.

"He did try the non obnoxious strategy... When he talked to you during the world cup. But did it work out for him? Not at all. Maybe that's what drove him to resort to extreme gestures, hoping you'd appreciate the effort." Nicolai told Florence.

"I sure don't appreciate getting embarrassed by his publicity."

"Is there ever, ever a chance to get you to talk to him again.

"Look," Florence sighed, "I have a lot of work on my plate right now," she glanced over at the clock, "And I need to get to fifth period. What time does your start?"

"Not until another hour."

"Alright, well, can we please just talk about this later at the commons?" she asked, in an urgent manner as she started shoving all her books into her book bag.

"Fine," grumbled Nicolai, watching her friend wave at her before exiting the library. It wasn't until Florence was completely out of eyeshot that she stood up, and made her way to the bookshelves at the far back.

Where Fred and George were waiting patiently, the two sitting down on the floor and looming over a small object.

"Did you hear all that?" Nicolai asked them, returning one of the plastic, ear-like object.

"Only bits and pieces," said Fred, annoyed that their invention still did not function the way they wanted it to.

"So it really does work," said Nicolai, greatly impressed, "What do you call them?"

"Extendable Ears! Authentically a Weasley product ofcourse. First of it's kind, ever, in the wizarding world" said George merrily, "Although we need to work on a few kinks with the hearing part. Perhaps we shouldn't have made them wireless... The charms we use clashes with other surrounding magic that makes the reception unclear."

"Yes but joining them together with a wire makes it's function limited to closer ranges only." interjected Fred.

"Well these are just prank toys, Freddie, not muggle spy stuff."

"You two!" said Nicolai to catch their attention, as the two almost forgot that the brunette was still standing there, "So? Did you hear all that, Fred? Well, atleast the important bits and pieces."

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