Life as I know it

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'Miss Asher the principal will see you now' , I walk into the plain painted office with trophies lined up on the shelves along with weird looking sculptures of different things. 'Take a seat'. I sat on a red chair in-front of a black flat table littered with papers and pens, I looked up at the blond man sitting in-front of me with a frown on his face.

'Selma, you punched a boy in the face today.'

'He was being a pervert.'

A look of surprised crossed his face before being replaced with a frown, 'You still didn't have the right to punch him, you broke his nose.' Really I did, don't care. 'I have chosen not to suspend you if you go for an anger management class for the whole year, if you pass then I won't expel you.' Seriously, I'm not surprised. Everyone thinks I'm a danger but I'm just sometimes pissed off by what others do, I'm not a sassy popular girl like the others but my anger tolerance is very low. 'Salem, what is your answer?' What will one little management class do to me, a lot .'I'll go for the anger management class' 'Great, now take this slip and give it to the teacher when you get there . It will be holding in the gymnasium every day except told other wise.'

I walked into the best class now to my whole existence, Physics. When I got to my seat some one else was sitting there 'Excuse me, you're on my seat', he looked up at me and I noticed the forest green color in his eyes before he moved to the seat beside mine. He's scent , its ours but why. I need to tell the others. 'Hey, my name is Asher Salem. You must be new here?' 'Yeah, the name's Caelan. Caelan Vic.' He has this Scottish accent that just gets me, know. Even his name is Scottish, I like him already. Before I could say anything more to him I hear my name from an all to familiar voice, I turn to see Mira taking her time to walk to me. We have been friends since the ninth grade, she's a red head girl with blue eyes and full pink lips. We fit to be models but I like to my gymnastics and she prefers to keep to her cello, we are such a wonderful pare. 'Yes?' 'I heard you punched Bruce in the face?' 'yeah, I did so what?' She leaned on my locker and pouted her lips

'Soooooo, what did he do?'

'Being his perverted self around with me.'

Her lips curved into a smile before going slack 'You know Dunn and Mich won't be happy to hear that, and it has already gone viral.' I'm going to get through a long lecture for that punch and won't be from my parents, Mich Showman and Dunn Marign are like elder brothers to me and Mira. Mich is religious and Dunn is a British royal but not in line for the throne, and they don't like it when I stand up to other rich kids for being sassy or rude. 'I'll handle that when it comes up, till then we do not speak of this to them.' She nods her head and walks to her seat.

School is a stress, and now I have an extra class. I walk into the gymnasium to see all three of my top friends and the new boy seating at the benches, I turn around to walk back out hoping they didn't notice me ,but then I heard my name from the one person I hate getting scolded at. Dunn. 'Salem Maria Asher, come back here.' I take deep breaths before turning around and walking to-words them, 'Hey guys, didn't know you'll be coming here after school what's the occasion?' 'Did you punch Bruce Wesley in the face today?' I scratched my head and looked to Mira for help but she shock her head ,'Maybe, sure, kinda did'. Mich was the next to talk and he asked me what happened and I told him what happened, 'Dunn I agree with her, she had the right to punch him.' Dunn looked at me with his shadowy grey eyes as if looking for a reason not to be on myside, when he didn't find any he just shrugged his shoulders and said 'I will agree on this one, but next time just leave and don't retaliate.' I bowed my head in respect and said 'Thank you your highness' I will not fail you on this new decree', I looked up and we all laughed. That was when I realized Caelan sitting on his own some seats away from us and that was when Mich called him over 'Hey, come over. If we are all attending this class then we may as well all know each other' and we all nodded in response. He came over and sat beside Mira and introduced himself, Dunn being the trained specialist in polished introduction introduced the rest of us. The talked kick started from there as he told us about his former school in Scotland and how his parents moved here because of business, turns out his parents own one the best technological industries in the whole of the world.

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