• Chapter Twenty-seven •

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"Cool! I've never colored my hair. I would love to though. Do you have any pictures with dyed hair?" I say.

"Yeah a few. Let me check my phone." He says and fumbles around for his phone.

He shows me a picture of himself where he looks around 16 years old with blond hair.

"You look younger here." I say.

"Yeah I was 16 at the time! This was my first time getting my hair colored. Asher convinced me it will be fun for me try it. And honestly its like how he had said."

So I was right.

"Brave of you to go straight for blond haha!" I say.

As he shows me other pictures. I can feel myself dose off.  My eyes close and I wrap my arm around Jun.

He's so warm.

"Are you okay with this?" I ask him. My eyes still closed.

"I most definitely am." He says.

I smile to myself.

Thanks Asher. For giving me this dare. I'm really content with how things are going for me right now.


I sense a bright light shining on my face and I open my eyes to see that its the light of the sun. I rub my eyes and then it hits me.


I feel Jun is still asleep next to me. His hand is clasped with mine. He looks so pretty while sleeping.

Wow. I must have gone crazy. How do we get out of here?

I slowly sit upright. And wake Jun up.

I hear him mumble something but I can't quite make out the words he's saying.

I move myself closer to him and ask him to wake up again.

Instead of waking up, he reaches his hand and pulls me back onto the mattress.


"I like holding you close." He says as his arm firmly grips around me.

Jun this ain't the time for compliments. I adore you. But we need to get out of here. Asap. And I also don't want you to find out how hard my heart is beating right now.

"Jun. It's like 6 am. College is going to start soon. Let's go!!"

His eyes snap open and he sits up. He looks like a lost puppy trying to process everything. I get off the mattress and fold the blanket. We put the things back into the storage room where we found them. And check downstairs.

I think nobody's here yet.

I tell Jun to freshen up. And head to the girls restroom myself.

I look in the mirror and splash water from the tap onto my face.


I stand there and think about last night. Jun and I spent it together. We held hands and talked with no interruptions. My heart races and color starts rising in my cheeks. I shake my head and get back to the present.

I'm going to ditch college today since I have zero energy to stay up for the entirety of 7 hours. I haven't even had breakfast too! I should just sneak back to my room. Pretty sure my family might be asleep but they can wake up anytime. Let's not risk being late.

I wait for Jun behind the locker. He comes out and I tell him my plan.

"I'll drive you. My car is parked right behind the gate." He says.

"Okay." I nod.

I put on my mask and go over to Jun's car. He opens the door for me and I sit at the passenger seat.

"You can drop me off here. I'm going to go back upto my room from the backyard." I say as he parks the car behind my house.

"Be safe you ninja." He says smiling.

I give him a thumbs up and get out of his car. I wave him goodbye and hurrily go up the ladder that reaches my rooftop.

Please let this be a success! My friends... Y'all better be proud of me.

I look around at the roof. Nobody's here thankfully. Usually my mom comes here for a morning walk but I think I'm safe from being found out.


I check my jacket for the keys to my room and unlock my door as quickly and without making a distinct sound. I get inside and change into my normal clothes. I stuff my discarded clothes into the closet and get into my bed. I keep my door opened.

Might need to make up an excuse to stay in today.

Yours, truly.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat