18. Athra

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Whenever a glass broke in my house, my mom nagged about the task being jinxed. I wonder if that also applied over the intentional breaking of the mirror? Because I didn't want to be anything less than ominous incident of a certain Raivardhan's life.

Opening the closet, I pulled all the sheets out. Not giving a damn that they were looking quite expensive.

Expensive or not, they were just the things I was looking for. The sun was setting and I couldn't miss the perfect opportunity and perhaps my only chance to run from here.

While I got busy with the task at hand, on the other side of the wall, or more appropriately, in the floor or two below, somewhere on the other side of this gigantic mansion, the infamous Raivardhan brother, Vikrant, called one of his hunch men, "did you find it, yet?"

"We are still looking around, sir," the leader of the gang of the minions replied pushing aside the cotton from the cushion that covered the floor of my apartment like snow. Another hunch man drove his combat knife through the white cover, murdering another of my fluffy cushions.

"Call me as soon as you find it," Vikrant ended the call trying to decipher about the way my brain worked. Only if he knew that if anyone could figure me out, that would be me.

"You are home early," Vikrant turned to find one of the twin brother of his, Daksh who was a surgeon, standing behind him with a girl he had never seen before.

"Yes, had some work here," Vikrant kept it to the point as he eyed the beautiful girl with a giddy and dreamy smile, and mentally calculated the possible damage she could cause in case things went out of hands on this fateful day. Would he be forced to lock this widely beaming girl in another room or perhaps the trunk of a car?

Daksh as if remembering his manner introduced the two strangers in the room, "Brother, meet Shanaya Rao, one of my mentees and Shanaya, this is my elder brother, Vikrant Raivardhan."

"Oh my god! The Vikrant Raivardhan? Great to meet you in person, Sir," Shanaya grabbed hold of his hand in a handshake that didn't look like she was going to let go for some time now. Vikrant just regarded her with baffled raised eyebrows because the last time he checked, Doctors were more interested in human anatomy than the stock market and shares.

"My grandmother keeps talking about you and your accomplishments, you see she's a budding entrepreneur," Shanaya explained her source of knowledge about the Business tycoon.

"You mean your grandmother runs a company as well?" Vikrant asked out of politeness or more rather just to snatch his hand back while she got busy with more explanation.

"Avva and run company? That would be a really good joke, right now she is running a little gym that she opened to find a suitable groom for us but I always kept telling her that it was unnecessary because she couldn't find my groom there. I will be the one to find him and stay beside him, exactly like now," giving a shy giggle, the girl looked down swinging her shoulders in her place while the men exchanged some confused looks.

"Um, yeah, let's head to the library. I'll get you the case material I worked on," Daksh scratched the back of his ear, trying to get back to the purpose he had brought her home for. Vikrant just watched them disappear around the corner before exhaling out loud. Though he had got rid of an extremely bubbly girl with big grins for the moment, she still remained in the house for the time being. And that was exactly what could ruin his plans.

As if being jinxed by just his thoughts, the alarm went off in the house making him to close his eyes in annoyance and opening them a second later only to hurry towards the one place he was hoping no trouble to arrive from, only to come across his brothers Daksh and Aaryan heading towards the same place.

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