27. Sattais

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The hour long of non sense finally came to an end. The non sense about throwing some lavish reception for this fake marriage!

For all I cared, this was going to end in the matter of days... Not year or months. I was very sure that it wouldn't even last two weeks, only a matter of time before he found that damned file and has no other choice but let go of me. And there I was, listening to the excited exchange of my abnormal family with his weird one about some five receptions to establish this casanova's marital status.

Utter waste of money, I tell you.

As they say -- money doesn't grow on trees.

You will have to work hard for it, and I was not ready to waste millions of them just showing off a fake wedding to this asshole.

With all my constant interruption and death glares, the count miraculously went down to two that it surprised even me. Alas, any further than that was out of my power.

So, it ended with an agreement of having a reception here and another one in some world class hotel in Italy.

It was Shanaya that was screeching in excitement rather than me when the locations were finalized. I don't even want to know how she would behave, had she been married into this family...

Not accepting the invitation for dinner at my temporary in-laws with the words of something about not even having a drop of water from their daughter's house while they had hogged the fancy snacks during the discussion, like the cultured traditionalists, my family finally got ready to free me from this pretense.

"Behave properly, like a lady. Don't give my son-in-law those frigid looks," my mother warned me while standing by the entrance as we saw them off. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her as I asked, "and how did he end up becoming your son-in-law?"

"Urg--er... I... um-eh--" she sounded like a diffident candidate sitting in an interview as she opened her mouth twice just to spiel some gibberish as she started at me wide eyed making me bob my head slightly in a nod as I interjected, "yes and?"

As if I was understanding the language of ogres. My mother gave it another futile try before whipping her head ahead and shouting after no one in particular and rushing out, "Arey aayee baba, aayee!"

I swear, if she was filmed, she might even land an Oscar for herself.

"Damn, that was intense," I looked over my shoulder to watch Aaryan and Shanaya starting at me with Shanaya nodding at that brat's words while offering him the pack of cookies she had peeled open. That rascal even had the audacity to grin at me openly with amusement as he took a piece and plopped it in his mouth.

Great! Two of the most annoying beings out there stood before me like a team as they observed me as if I was a specimen in the museum. If these two ended up together, only God could stop me from going berserk and killing them with my bare hands.

"Oh, I've got the perfect nickname for this one, even though it should be like a salt on my wound," Aaryan mused chewing on one of the biscuits offered by Shanaya who curiously asked him, "what is it?"

Aaryan grinned like the cheshire cat before opening that damned mouth of his and saying, "Natty the nutcracker!"

Breathe, Natasha. Calm down Natasha, don't drop to his level and end up losing your cool. You have another jerk to kill before you killed this brat. And killing him now will deprive me from getting the satisfaction of killing the root of this entire mess. And I was not going to do that. So, calm down. I shouldn't let my plans go derailed as before.

The dinner was peaceful since Asha had reins in her hand. She tried to stabilize the situation and the hostility among us. Apart from Asha, none of the others tried to understand my view. She questioned me about the accusations that her sons put on me which I didn't hesitate to justify.

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