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.....A few days later.....

The sound of the glass clinking echoed through the air as Shaurya placed the cup back down after sipping his tea.

"You sure about your decision?" He asked looking me straight in the eyes. There was something in them that made one feel the heaviness of his gaze.

I sucked in a breath to keep my tone as composed as possible, "yes Shaurya, I am sure. I want to work with my husband."

"I don't even know how things turned out to be like this. I mean," he paused searching for the right words before resuming, "the time you asked me for this job, the condition you were in, I have no idea when or where the hatred you had for him blossomed into so much love that you ended up marrying him and no even want to go back to work with him?"

The complexity of the behind-the-scenes was hard to explain to Shaurya without making it sound like a crime and me suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

And all the credit went to my crazy husband...

I cleared my throat a little as I tried again, "There had been a few misunderstandings that got cleared after a situation. An accidental encounter with my parents and you can see how that ended up. Surprisingly, I don't hate it there. In fact, I even like how my life is currently going on."

Shaurya kept gauging my expressions and words for quite some time.

The intensity at which he looked at me showed his suspicion about things that I was telling him.

I don't exactly know what Vikrant had sent him, or what reason had he conveyed over the letter or mail or however he had conveyed my leave of absence. Nor could I ask about it while sitting before Shaurya at the moment, for it may only solidify his suspicion.

The only thing I could do was play it safe and steer clear about raising the letter or whatever.

Taking the final sip from the teacup, Shaurya placed it before him on the table and folded his arms across his chest as he said, "You are free to leave the company after following the protocol of two months' notice period. After all, we are supposed to replace a capable CFO for the company. And you do know it is no ordinary position to give it to any Tom, Dick, and Harry."

"Thank you. Thank you so much for your understanding. I would also love to help find a new CFO for you if possible," I offered.

"With pleasure," he smiled softly. It was difficult to understand what kind of man Shaurya really was but I could tell for sure that he was as mysterious as the word mystery itself could be. What secrets he hid, what pains he had been through, I couldn't tell. But whatever he had lived through, had made him into a being that unfathomable. As deep as the ocean, as layered as the onion.

It would be a rollercoaster to unwind him, to unveil his secrets. The catch though? Was that he did not allow anyone in. Never shared his personal life or even his past.

"I can't believe, whoever I help end up relating to the Raivardhans. To be more accurate, they end up turning out to be Raivardhan's bride or end up becoming one," Shaurya chuckled shaking his head as he picked up his things and stood up.

"What do you mean? Who else did you help?" I questioned not following through.

He smiled at me, that practiced smile of his, and said, "Rynah Raivardhan. Anyway, it's a story for another time! I will have to get going now if I don't want to be late for my next meeting."

He waved his hand in goodbye as he headed out of the Sea Lounge, a restaurant at the Taj Hotel.

I watched him till he disappeared behind the wall before waving at the waiter to get the bill.

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