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Mr. Raivardhan muttered something to Mr. Piramal, which I vaguely suspected to be a 'I'll be right back', before he elegantly made his way towards us.

That was the first time that I had actually paid some attention to the features of the world's renowned billionaire. He was oozing of an alpha male aura. Indicating how well he knew his stuff. A full beard stretched across his cheeks, the chocolate brown eyes of his had an edge to them. I was pretty much sure that the tiny details didn't miss his eyes. His hair neatly tugged to his left and held in that position by the wax. Standing at his full height, he seemed a bit intimidating but I maintained my indifferent facade.

In short, he was a man of looks, brains and respect. And that demanded my respect. A rare combination but yet he was here.

The curtain before the backstage hid us away from any of the lingering pairs of curious eyes watching our forthcoming exchange. The first thing that I did was raise my hand for a handshake because Mr. Raivardhan, being a gentleman, I doubted he would initiate it, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Raivardhan."

"The pleasure is mine, Ms. Shenoy," He replied in his deep yet silky smooth voice, returning a firm handshake.

"I believe, you asked for me. How may I be of your service?" I directly jumped to the point not believing in mindless flattery. I might have had flattered him a little if it had been me who would have approached him rather than him approaching me. And I knew it for sure that he had been sort of impressed by my not-wasting-time-beating-around-the-bush policy. It had visibly flickered in his eyes just for a second.

"I admire your straightforwardness, Ms. Shenoy. I am a man with a sense of time and I am glad that we both share the same thought on this matter. So, coming right to the point, I think you would be a great asset to my company. Looking at all your achievements, I know just what you can be transformed into, you would need a little experience on the topic and that would be all. On that note, I would like to make you an offer for the position as the secratary of the CEO of the ARAIV group for a stipulated period. That would be to get you familiarised with the corporate world as my apprentice before re-analysing your capability to promote you to a better designation. What do you say?" Mr. Raivardhan explained letting my brain do the math simultaneously.

Any higher designation for a secretary of a CEO would be big enough to head at least one department of the company. Even if I skipped the company after getting the needed experience, I could easily land myself one of the chief officer position in a year or two. Anyway, the pay in the ARAIV group was considerably better than the other companies. And so were the benefits they provided.

Nevertheless, I need to be careful in pondering over the offer and the impact thereof. Also analyse the other offers I have had received before giving him my answer, hence I replied, "Can I request for a little time to think it through? This was unexpected, so I would like to collect my thoughts a bit before replying to your offer."

"Sure, do take your time. Here's my card in case you have made up your mind," Mr. Raivardhan retrieved his card holder from his pocket before handing his business card to me and asked, "Today is Saturday, can I expect your reply by Tuesday?"

"I think that would be more than enough time."

"Good, I really hope that you embark your career journey with us, Ms. Shenoy," Mr. Raivardhan said as we had another handshake before we parted our ways.

"I appreciate it."

With a curt nod, he left to get back to his seat beside Mr. Piramal. And I thanked my teacher before heading towards my awaiting family.

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