36. Chattees

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"What do you-" Rynah's voice trailed off causing the rest three heads whip towards our direction. Dia's eyes widened as Rynah's jaw dropped open. As for Shanaya, her smile widened like ten year old had found a candy store. And Aaryan being Aaryan, whistled at our sight as he asked, "When did the world war stop and the treaty formed?"


"Get lost," Vikrant said like he was saying 'nice weather'.

Everyone just blinked at us as if trying to process the two words that came out of Vikrant.

"Did I drink too much last night that my head is still buzzing to hear a probable 'thank you' for us worrying about these two as a 'get lost' instead?" Aaryan mused, folding his arms across his chest.

"I did say, get lost," Vikrant raised his eyebrow emphasizing the point.

While the rest of them turned to leave, Aaryan glanced at Rynah who raised both of her eyebrows at him baffled. An understanding seemed to pass the two as Aaryan turned and said, "yeah yeah, but what happened last night for her to end up looking like that."

This time his eyes full of mirth were cast in my direction. Rynah headed to sit over the bed with an amused look.

"Oh no no, my dear sister-in-law, I wouldn't be sitting there if I were you," Aaryan tsked rather seriously. When Rynah gave him a questioning look, he added with a rather very teasing tone, "I have a feeling there wasn't much of attempt to murder last night, but cure for my brother's blue balls."

I facepalmed at his crudeness while Rynah froze in her position before scurrying away from the bed as if it was on fire. This rockstar of a brat was such a troublesome fellow to deal with.

As if hearing the pun from my thoughts, the second devil in the room added, "guess our nutcracker isn't immune to my Casanova of a brother's charms."

"At least I have a girl on my arm and not missing any action, you on the other hand might as well join the church," Vikrant retorted.

"And what? Make all the nuns sin?" Aaryan gave that lazy smirk of his that made me roll my eyes.

The banter would have continued if Shanaya who was now standing by the balcony door turned and asked, "did something get burnt in here?"

"Don't tell me you performed someone's funeral on your balcony," the rockstar brat said a little to excitedly than one should be when saying something like that. Everyone rushed to peep out of the balcony to see the remains of what was left of my suitcase.

"Yeah, my suitcase with all my clothes," I replied giving a pointed look at my darling husband. Such a darling I tell you that it frequently had me wanting to strangle him in his sleep.

"Why would you want to burn your suitcase?" Rynah asked not able to follow through.

"I would never burn the hard earned money. It was someone else who went proved that he was a caveman that went batshit crazy," I further raised an eyebrow at Vikrant, the corner of whose lips were raising up in an amused smile.

"Typical Vikrant," another voice joined us as Viaan walked into the room as he added, "dare him to do something, he does that. Tell him not to do something, he definitely does that."

Viaan wrapped his arm around Rynah's torso and kissed the back of her neck causing her to blush tomato red as she visibly shivered from the intimate touch before he whispering something in her ear making her nod readily to whatever he had told her.

Viaan again looked in our direction saying, "I hope you will not be missing your very own reception tonight after you skipped the party in your honor the last night."

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