12. Barah

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It was a week since the meeting with Tanay's company and one thing was established - Vikrant Raivardhan had lost his mind.

It was like someone had caste some spell on him!

All he was making me do was some or the other mundane work iteratively. The task he used the make Lana-Grace do, had now become part of my daily activity, multiplied by three or perhaps even four times.

Even now, he asked me to change the files just because he didn't like the color before keeping it back from where I had borrowed it. I filed the last page into the new cyan colored file and placed it over the stack I was meant to take downstairs. In total, there were four stacks resting on the sofa before me. One which he had asked for and returned telling it's of no use, the second which I predicted he will ask for and had hit the nail on the head, third was the few which I predicted he would ask for but turned out to be wrong fourth were the file which were the ones useful for him and later he made me change the outer file due to the unpleasant color.

Now, I had to carry them all back down. At the least, I didn't have to make the frequent visits as I had done on the day one of the change of his heart.

The intercom beeped making me look at my wristwatch. It was almost time to go home but he is calling for me now. Exhaling out loud, I pressed the button to answer it, "yes Mr. Raivardhan?"

"Did you get the service agreement printed?"

Fortunately for him, I had done that task long time ago, with backups. No matter what he made me do, I took my job seriously.

"Yes, Mr. Raivardhan."

"Bring it to my cabin." The line went dead after that.

I collected the set of files from my table, which were are in the eye pleasing color, as he had put it and moved towards his room.

He made me wait for sometime before he allowed me in after I knocked at the door.

The evening sun glistened on his skin, his tie was loose and exhaustion touched the edges of his profile.

He outstretched his hand without looking up making me place the first file in his hand. He took it and looked at the first page.

"Service agreement should be printed on bond paper, go reprint it."

I took the next file from my hand and placed it before him causing him to look up at me, "service agreement on bond paper, Sir."

He opened the file and pursed his lips before letting them go and sticking his tongue to the inside of his cheek, "what type of format is this? Print this in the new format."

I took another file from my hand and handed it to him making him narrow his eyes at me, "new format on bond sheet, Mr. Raivardhan."

He opened it again and exhaled in what I suspected to be laced with irritation, "Times New Roman font? What are you? In college. Go get it in Arial Black."

I took another file from my hand and passed it to him. I was pretty sure by now that he hadn't expected it, "Arial Black, Sir."

My expression was bored as I stared at him. All I wanted to do was go home and I had expected him to pull another thing like this, so I was prepared well in advance. He stared dead in my eyes before opening his mouth again, "get all the grey colored files from the confidential archives and segregate it in the order."

"That will be done by tomorrow evening, Mr. Raivardhan. Now I would have to leave, it's past my working hours."

I watched him clench his jaw before nodding at me in dismissal. That was all I need, this guy was draining me out and has been getting under my skin recently. Anyway, I had managed to hide my opinion about him, both verbally and emotionally on my expressions.

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