29. Unntees

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With two hours to spare, I went to head out of the room, to let the servants and the jerk spend some quality time, or perhaps I should say badgering time together, while I pick up a few tricks of my own.

And I definitely didn't want that asshole to be aware of my moves.

"Where do you think you are going?" Vikrant asked, not once looking at me.

"Away from here, I don't want to sit here and feel my blood boil inside watching you," I kept it calm and simple. Something close to the truth for him to accept.

He turned his face slightly, his smirk visible, "facts hurt your pride, is it little kitten?"

"More than hurting pride, I wouldn't want to end up on the headlines tomorrow as a breaking news, for saving the world from your likes."

"You have turned up pretty violent now-a-days, but I don't think a few scratches would be the death of me," he looked over his shoulder at me tauntingly.

I narrowed my eyes feeling pissed, "Oh trust me, claws aren't my only weapon. And you should know better when you have a first hand experience of it."

I didn't stay to hear his counter. I exited the room and slammed the door behind me, rather really loudly, to let him know the verbal battle was over, and he lost it.

Without a worry, I went for a exploration of this maze of a house. If I ended up finding something or someone useful for me, good for me. If I ended up getting lost in this palatial mansion, even better. At least that way I might even scare that bastard inside or rather not. Knowing him, he might scare the devil from the hell...

As Dr. Seuss said -- Oh, the things you can find, if you don't stay behind.

Turning around the corner, down the flight of stairs I had never taken, I heard a pair of familiar voices that sounded like... they were arguing?

With a poker face, I tiptoed to hide by the wall and listen into the commotion that was going on only for me to realise that he had turned me into this, what, spy kind of vamp from those cliche TV serials that eavesdrop and the downfall of others? This was so not me...

"I am not going to take those clones of baboons with me there!" The female voice thundered. She sure was pretty angry.

"Good, then you aren't going as well," the male voice was rather really calm like the lady didn't sound like she would burn down the place.

"Viaan, wherever I go, everyone looks only at me. It's like putting a target on my back! I will be discreet, I promise. I'll be back in no time! Anyway Daksh will also be right there," The pleading lady must be his wife, Rynah.

I heard a sigh, an irritated one, "I told you in the morning, I'll tell you again. You. Are. NOT. Going. Anywhere. Without your. Bodyguards. Let Daksh be there or not. You are not going alone," Viaan said sternly emphasizing his points before continuing, "had I not have had all of these priorities, I would have taken you there myself but I will definitely not send you alone like this."

My brain buzzed with a thought, that could pretty much give me a chance to get me reinforcement ready in his house. Perhaps, not as powerful as Asha or even any of the other Raivardhan brothers, but this would be better than nothing.

Nahi mama se kaana mama achcha.

So stepping out of the place I was hiding, I watched the couple snap their heads to meet my eyes. Viaan was holding Rynah by her shoulders trying to embed in her head about his words. And at my sight the pair slightly stepped away out of courtesy.

"Why don't I go with her if you are so worried?" I offered without explaining or trying to put forth excuses and apologies for eavesdropping.

It wasn't something that I was guilty for, they were arguing pretty loudly. Not my fault that I heard it.

Smirk Of A JerkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora