45. Paintalees

273 24 15

The paperweight missed by an inch to hit the wall behind and shatter into thousand pieces.

Just adding some Beethoven's or Mozart's on the background would it make the perfect situation ready for a dance. A dance of pain. And me an angel of death that had descended to send the soul of this impertinent scoundrel before me to the depths of the hell. The worst one of the kind.

Even Yamraj might have stepped aside, seeing the bloodlust I was having, with the fear that maybe I will send him along with my rascal for a husband.

And that was not the end. Oh no no, definitely not. Everything that was on the table, inside the table, beside it and under it, all went flying towards that infuriating devil who dodged them all like it was all practiced for multiple times already.

So? So I started to throw two things at once so that he didn't have a chance to dodge at least one of those.

And as calculated, one in the six articles ended up hit him while he kept shouting, "give me a chance to explain!"

Give him a chance to explain so that he would lie straight to my face? Like hell I would!

I would rather kill this bastard than hear his impeccable lies that makes you doubt yourself! He was the devil himself reincarnated, and you don't trust a devil!

"Natasha~" he sang warningly upon unable to stop my onslaught and immediately crossed the distance between us while dodging some flying items and taking others head-on. The bastard even calculated which would hurt him less and chose to take those ones!

Within no time, he was right before me, holding both my hands above my head in the air causing the bedsheet that was loosely draped around to slip down. I was breathing raggedly while not being able to do anything while he shamelessly let his gaze wander all the way down. I couldn't help but narrow my eyes and grit my teeth.

Come a bit closer, rascal, and I will refresh the memories for you of the time I had brought you all to your knees.

"You are right," he said looking back at my face before he added, "I had found the file a long time ago. In fact, the file you had taken was the copy of the file that we had created to mislead some people who are after it. But we needed the copy to keep track of the false leads we had laid."

What in the actual hell? He put me through hell and back for a mere replica of not even an original to begin with? I sure was going to murder this bastard tonight, even if I had to go to jail for it!

"Then why in the hell did you kidnap and blackmail me for all this time?" I keep my voice as low as possible but the simmering of my fury could be heard in the tone. He dare give me a lame excuse of it being his timepass or it was funny for him like what he had told after marrying me. As soon as he loosens his hold a little, I will rip that head of his off his shoulders!

Yes, I was out for blood, jerk. Your blood to be exact.

"Because I want you," his answer though threw me off guard.

What? That was his excuse?

As if hearing my thoughts, he continued, "I have always wanted you, right from the time I had seen you at the bowling arcade bulldozing over those amateur bawlers, both verbally and sportively. I've been interested in you."

I couldn't help but frown trying to recall the incident he was referring to but before I could, he continued, "I never thought I would be running into you again, until you were standing before me at the elevator that led to our office. You wouldn't even react like the other girls had they been the ones standing. Your blue eyes, the air of don't mess with me that you gave off, that angelic face," he chuckled shaking his head, "I knew I would be in great trouble ahead for wanting you. I only stepped back because you had a boyfriend, not that I couldn't snatch you away from him, but my mother raised me better."

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