22. Baees

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My eyes refused to look away from his. As if looking into those frozen lake of a midsummer dream would spill his thoughts out to me. While my body was in another level by doing a crazy circus internally. Only god knows how long we stayed that way.

"What contract?" I narrowed my eyes at him. I wasn't signing anything with him without reading it at least for some ten times.

"Nothing to worry about. It is just to establish some trust between us." No make it twenty. I am not signing anything unless reading it twenty times. My eyes were mere slits by now as I looked at him as of performing an X-ray scan.

"I'll take you to attend your sister's marriage," he raised one of his eyebrow at me. Asking silently, will you still not agree to sign the contract?


I glared at him as he looked at the bunch of dresses that hung from the dress rack that his new male secretary brought in while I rubbed my wrists. He had almost given me a heart attack when he pulled out a scalpel from the drawer and cut the ziptie after I had agreed to sign the contract.

Why even he have a scalpel with him in the first place? Did he and his surgeon brother perform surgeries in their lavish washroom?

I still don't know why did I even signed that contact... Especially when more than half of the clause were against me...

Looks like I was that desperate that would have even signed my death certificate if he had produced it. Nevertheless, this wasn't any less than the death certificate. The only thing favouring me was the promise of continuation of my career and attending my sister's wedding as normally as possible. He promised to keep the matters between us as long as I complied and he finds the file.

Shaking the thought out my head, I looked at the gangly man who had replaced me. The tacky neon green dress shirt and the wrinkled trousers made it look like he might as well slept in those clothes of his.

And not to mention the hair. Perfectly oiled and combed. If I had to swipe a paper, I needn't lick my finger but just touch his hair and voila!

"And this is the guy you replaced me with," I couldn't help but give a once over look at the gangly man while both the men paid their complete attention to me and my words.

"He's efficient," Vikrant smirked at me.

Getting off the bed, internally pissed off but with a bored expression, I walked up to the despicable being with blue eyes and stopped few inches away. My entirety screaming at me to tick him off, bring about an inner turmoil in him. Ruffle a few feathers of him. Let him also suffer through the emotions that are exploding inside of me.

I narrowed my eyes at his magnetic ones and taunted, "if I didn't know any better, you might as well want to him or perhaps his sister to the bed."

"Did I take you when you were still working under me?" The oh-so-irritating-signature-smirk of his played on the corners of his lips.

"Like you didn't try," I countered.

Now he smirked clearly and leaned in, "yet you still ended up in my bed."

The memories of me walking up on his chest flashed before my eyes leaving me suddenly flustered.

The victorious smirk of his evident declaring his upper hand. All I could do was grit my teeth in annoyance. I hated this. I hated how he managed to render me speechless!

"Uh-I-I will head out," the awkward personal assistant stammered out the words fiddly.

"No," I stopped him before he could take a step, "please continue, don't mind me. I'm just a third-wheel."

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