Bonus Chapter (Vikrant POV chapter 18)

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Hey lovelies!

This is the first bonus chapter requested by one of the winners of the Guess the signature tune, rakhi79 

Hope you guys enjoy it 😄

Deeps1986, request you to share your request over the DMs😉


"Did you find it, yet?" I felt the panic in my underling set in as soon as he heard my question. And of course my voice. Leaning against the kitchen counter I stared at the view that the window wall provided while my entire attention was solely focused on the call.

"We are still looking around, sir," the leader of the team replied hesitantly. There were some noises in the background, not that I cared but I then another thought came. How would she react when she sees the condition of her apartment after my men have been through it?

The range of emotions that she showcases is the polar opposite of what usually women show. And that is what pulls me towards her. That brain of hers, makes me want to claim her completely.

The silence of mine seemed to have put the team leader on edge.

"Call me as soon as you find it," I heard a feeble sigh of relief from the other side before I ended the call. I need to decipher how her brain works. Where in the world could she have hidden that file? It was indeed a really good excuse to justify my actions, though I knew well that none of my family members were going to be happy about the surprise I have in store for them. I would be more at peace if mom doesn't literally have a heart attack this time, after the last time about how things progressed with Rynah.

"You are home early," I turned to find Daksh standing behind me with a girl I had never seen before.

"Yes, had some work here," I kept the reply to the point as I observed the girl who would even fall into the 'beautiful' category of the human perception who was staring at me and my brother with a giddy and dreamy smile. If things went south, what is the possibility of this girl causing damage to our reputation or perhaps even help Natasha out of here? Did it have to be today of all days that she had to be when I had my wild kitten locked upstairs? Would I have to be lock this widely beaming girl in another room? Or scaring her to death by locking her in a dark trunk of a car would be better?

While all these thoughts were going on in my head, Daksh as if remembering his manner introduced the two of us to each other, "Brother, meet Shanaya Rao, one of my mentees and Shanaya, this is my elder brother, Vikrant Raivardhan."

I don't know why exactly my brother brought her here, but I'm not sure if she will be going back home tonight. Good thing, she wasn't a mind reader, I don't think she would be smiling so brightly after hearing my thoughts.

"Oh my god! The Vikrant Raivardhan? Great to meet you in person, Sir," Shanaya grabbed hold of my hand in a handshake and shook like some of the crazy fans out there that don't let go of it easily. I just regarded her with baffled raised eyebrows because the last time I checked, Doctors were more interested in human anatomy than the stock market and shares.

"My grandmother keeps talking about you and your accomplishments, you see she's a budding entrepreneur," Shanaya explained her source of knowledge about the field that was not related anywhere to her specialization.

"You mean your grandmother runs a company as well?" I asked politely while simultaneously snatching my hand back from her hold while she got distracted with further explanation.

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