Bonus 2

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Hey Lovelies!

So that was the second bonus chapter that was requested by our second winner of Guess the signature tune, Deeps1986  

Hope you enjoy it!😄😄

(NOTE: info regarding the next book at the end)


I woke up to the sound of the waves, and seagulls caw somewhere far and near.

The sun was high up in the sky already as I walked out, onto the deck to look at the endless ocean before me and the greenest-ever islands behind us. Moorea Islands were just breathtaking!

The ocean currents rocked the yacht ever so slightly, but it was better than what I had experienced in the smaller boats. The expensive yacht had a swimming pool of its own with a transparent pool floor. I watched the fishes hit the glass before swimming away scared for their lives.

I was in awe at what I was seeing. Even though it had been two days since we were on the yacht, I could still not get used to this wonderful sight.

"Guess, the day is finally starting for you," I looked over my shoulder to find my handsome husband getting down the stairs with a platter in his hand. His plain beach shirt with the buttons left undone became a feast for my eyes.

"Why? What is the time right now?" I asked distractedly as my eyes discreetly lingered over his washboard abs that had a golden tan to them.

"Look at the positioning of the sun, it's already over our heads," Viaan raised his eyebrow placing the platter over the table and popping an olive into his mouth after placing a kiss on my cheek. It warmed my heart, all these small things he did made me fall more in love with him.

"So what? It must only be noon, isn't it common since there is a specific name allocated only for this meal of the day called brunch?" I said confidently as walked to steal some olives for myself. After watching him eat that so sexily, I wanted to have a taste of them myself.

"Not brunch, madam, lunch. It's time for lunch, around two o'clock," Viaan retorted taking a sip from the glass that was on the table already.

My eyes widened at the new knowledge that it was already around two in the afternoon. It was for the first time that I had woken up so late. Perhaps, Viaan was trying to fool me. My next course of action was to check the time on his phone, still unable to believe it.

And Viaan quietly watched me doing what he called as the 'Rynah thing'.

"You probably won't even believe that time since it is on my phone, here, take yours and do that Rynah thing of yours," he passed my phone to me while my cheeks were tainted red at his amused comment.

"It's alright," I mumbled embarrassed as I took my phone and placed it beside me, discreetly eyeing the clock on my screen.

Viaan shook his head chuckling making my cheeks turn a darker shade of red as he took another sip from his glass. And I thought I had improved with my stealth skills.

Stupid stupid Rynah! Of course, he was watching you all the time you took the phone!

And he was Viaan, who was I even trying to fool?

The rest of the day went rather smoothly. We went underwater diving, swimming with the fish and playing with the tortoises. We lunched the fish that we caught. With Viaan's help, I was able to snag a few fish myself. 

Since we had been on the ATV tour the previous day, we opted for a jet ski one today. It was so much fun, learning new stuff, especially when Viaan took great care to teach me, my heart must have been a puddle inside my chest already.

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