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"Ugh, I hate wearing glasses," I complained, surveying myself in the mirror.

Seungwoo looked up from his phone. Chika lay in his lap; Seungwoo's hand rested on her absentmindedly.

"Why? I think you look cute in them." He smiled at me affectionately.

I sighed. "You don't understand the life of a woman whose husband is prettier than her."

Seungwoo laughed. "It's true, I'm very pretty." He agreed. I grimaced at him. "But you're still prettier, even with glasses. Besides, it's not like you even wear them often. Only when you're too lazy to put in your contacts."

"You know, I remember you wore glasses for some time, right?" I looked at him for confirmation.

He gave me a strange look. "Duh, baby. I keep a pair on the nightstand."

"Yeah, but didn't you have fake frames or something? Didn't you do it for a promotion or something?"

"Nah, I just got new frames. My fans hadn't seen it before. Some girls loved them. You know, how some people really go for handsome boys in glasses." He winked at me.

"Seungwoo, could you stop being a greaseball for like one moment in your life, please?" I scolded him.

"You know you love it." He giggled and stuck out his tongue for a split second.

"Yeah, a little too much." I groaned. "Please help me control myself by controlling yourself."

Seungwoo looked a little too pleased with himself because of my remark. I decided to throw him off his game a little bit.

"You know, I thought that glasses would maybe make me look older, but even after getting them, I still get mistaken for a teenager all the time." I sat down next to him and placed Chika on the floor so I could rest my head in Seungwoo's lap.

He put down his phone and started stroking my hair. "I don't think they make you look older. You've got a baby face."

I snickered. "Yeah, do you remember when we first met?" Seungwoo's hand stopped mid-stroke.

"I-I would rather not." He stuttered. He put his face in his hands, embarrassed.

"Yeah, you know, I remember it pretty clearly." I loved seeing Seungwoo uncomfortable. Somehow, he was just so cute when he was embarrassed. "Hmm...what a precious memories. Do you remember what you first said to me?"

"No." Seungwoo said stubbornly through his fingers. I giggled, thoroughly enjoying every second.

"Wasn't it something like, 'Please help me be my fake girl-'" Seungwoo interrupted me by covering my mouth with his hands.

"Don't! Stop, stop, stop!" Seungwoo shouted, mortified. I stuck my tongue out and licked his fingers, trying to free myself. "Eww, baby, what the fuck? Don't lick me. How dirty!"

I laughed in triumph as Seungwoo uncovered my mouth and wiped his hands on my shirt.

"Wooya...don't you want to remember our sweet first moments? Hmm?" I reached up and poked his cheek.

Seungwoo groaned. "I would rather not remember any of that. It was not one of my finest moments. You agreeing to go on a date with me was perhaps the luckiest thing that ever happened to me."

"Of course, it was." I agreed easily. "But it was so cute when you told me to call you oppa. But I would never."

Seungwoo scoffed. "Listen, it's not my fault that you're younger than me."

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