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"Mama." Haneul snuggled up next to me on the couch. I'd gotten out of work super early and picked her up from daycare before lunch. Normally, I'd take that time to get some things done around the apartment, but I missed her. "Mama, I miss Daddy."

"I know, sweetheart." I patted her back gently. "I miss him, too."

"We go to see Daddy?" Haneul asked, looking up at me hopefully.

"Daddy's at work, baby. We can't see him yet."

"When we see Daddy?" She pouted, her face so like Seungwoo's that I had to hide a smile.

"After naptime." I yawned. "Daddy's coming home early today."

I made lunch while Haneul read books out loud to herself. I'd been trying to teach her to read, but she was too young and I was too eager. I couldn't wait to share all of my favourite children's books with her, but the girl couldn't even pee in the toilet, much less read Goosebumps.

I still worked for the same company I started almost five years ago when I first moved to Seoul. I was getting a lot of new projects business development. I work towards it on everyday basis. A couple of years ago, before I met Seungwoo, I had published a fashion blog posts. Mostly reworked fragments from my ancient designs, but it had done pretty well in making people coming back for more. It wasn't flourishing, but it wasn't shabby either. A year ago, I've been promoted as the Head of Design. I'd told Seungwoo about it and he'd actually teared up. Saying how he's so proud of me working hard to earn my own money.

"Haneul, are you hungry? Lunch is ready." I called from the kitchen.

Haneul ran in eagerly, her pigtails bouncing around. Her hair was a strange and fearsome animal. Sometimes she had these pretty little curls, but most of the times it was stick straight and bewildered me.

She held her hands out for me and I buckled her into her high chair.

"Mama, food! I hungry!" She screamed and slammed her fists on the tray.

"Excuse me, miss. You do not talk to your mother that way."

"Sowwy." Haneul apologized, looking contrite. "I sowwy, Mama."

I handed her a bowl of rice and scrambled eggs and some fresh strawberries.

I washed the dishes while Haneul ate and we chatted about random things. She told me about daycare and all the friends she made there.

When my mother had found out Seungwoo and I had decided to send Haneul to daycare, she immediately called me and lectured me for about half an hour. I was on the verge of tears when Seungwoo ripped the phone from my grasp and told my mother it was our decision and not to interfere. He hung up before she could say anything to him, and then kissed me and told me I was an amazing mother and Haneul was lucky to have me.

I heard the front door opening and then Seungwoo yelling, "I'm home! Where are my beautiful girls?"

"In the kitchen!" I called back. Haneul screamed in excitement, jumping up and down in her high chair.

"Daddy's home! My daddy's home!"

"Haneul!" Seungwoo cried, swooping in and sprinkling her with a million kisses. "I missed you, baby love!"

I cleared my throat pointedly. Seungwoo turned to me with a twinkle in his eye.

"I missed you, too, baby girl." He backed me up against the counter and gave me a sweet kiss.

I continued washing the dishes while Seungwoo sat down next to Haneul and coaxed her to eat.

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