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Seungwoo POV

With the Victon album set and ready to go, I didn't have much to do before the release and the announcement of the tour. While I was still working on my own album, the president had taken me aside and told me to stop fiddling, to let things be.

"Your songs are good, Seungwoo. Stop being finicky. Go home, be with your family. Soon, you're going to be away a lot."

So, I'd been home at night. Cooking dinner, hanging with the kids. Haneul was going through and artistic phase and spent most of her time scribbling away at her newly christened art table. Haru had started to crawl, the big boy. My wife spent a lot of time crouching around the apartment, cooing his name with outstretched arms to get him to come to her. He often would crawl right up to her legs and she'd catch him in her arms and roll onto her back, holding him up and peppering his laughing face with kisses.

It was my favourite thing to watch.

"Daddy, what are you makin' for dinner?" Haneul's curious little face peered around the edge of the kitchen archway.


"Ugh," Haneul rolled her eyes. "I don't yikes curry."

"You don't have to eat."

"I wan' pisketti."

"You ate spaghetti for lunch." Her mother reminded her. She came into the kitchen with Haru on her hip. "Why don't you just try the curry? It's got chicken in it."

"And peppers." I added.

My wife shot me a confused glance. "What kind of curry has peppers in it?"

"Uh, Thai curry."

"Oh. Well, it smells good. When will it be done?"

"Like, ten minutes. Haneul, did you put your paints away? You have to make sure to put the lids on or else the paint will dry up."

Haneul sighed and trudged off to properly put her art supplies away.

"That girl has such an attitude."

"Mmhmm," He mother, her spitting image of attitude, agreed.

"I love it, though."

She rolled her eyes. "You love everything Haneul does. You're so obsessed with her."

I shrugged. "She's adorable. Sue me."

My wife plopped down in a chair and lifted her shirt for Haru to nurse. He looked around at me before latching on.

"Don't you feel like he's growing up way too fast? He's three months already."

"Time is flying by," I agreed. "Makes me sad."

"Oh, I wanted to ask you something." I crinkled my nose. "Um...how do I say this? Well, okay. The president recently called me into his office and told me he wants me to release my album. And that he wants me to go on a world tour." I continued. "And, he also said something to me, though. He said that he would want to film a reality television show with us."

She let out a soft laugh. "What's with your president and this television show thing?"

"Uh..." I cocked my head, puzzled. "I don't know how you feel about that."

"Can we still film it?"

"Do you want to?"

She shrugged. "Why not? It sounds hella cool. I could be famous."

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