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Spontaneous travelling had totally been my thing when I was younger and hadn't had child. Seungwoo and I got married so young and we didn't get the chance to go on a honeymoon. We both were always so busy and it was too complicated to go anywhere with our busy schedule and I was pregnant to Haneul that time.

He came home the day of our anniversary yesterday. As promised, we will celebrate our 3rd anniversary alone. No Haneul and Chika. He also had purchased us flight tickets to Bangkok. I always wanted to go to Thailand with Seungwoo. He always went there by himself all the damn time, but I've never been even once.

I feel like we're too old for the honeymoon stage and it should be over by now but god damn, I'm just so happy to be treated nice by a man. I'm pretty sure every passenger on that five-hour flight wanted to throw both of us out of the window and see how we'd fare swimming our way to Bangkok.

It was fun and excited to be on a plane with Seungwoo without Haneul. We'd left her and Chika with Seungwoo's parents.

Five hours later we arrived the airport. Seungwoo very graciously took the things and our suitcases. We're both were very sleepy and hungry, so once we had our things settled into the hotel, we got an Uber to take us to the restaurant.

"We're here." Seungwoo whispered softly in my ear about twenty minutes later.

I awakened and regarded him drowsily. "I'm hungry."

"Well, we're gonna go eat." He said, unbuckling the seatbelt.

"Where are we going?" I asked, leaning against him as he helped me out of the car. He led me up the stairs of a familiar building.

"You'll see. Come one, wake up." He kissed my cheek. "It'll ruin the surprise if you're too sleepy."

I kissed him softly once before he led me into the room.

A middle-aged woman with a short, curly perm appeared at the door, smiling broadly.

"Sawadeekha." She greeted us cheerfully. "May I know, what name is your reservation on?"

"Han Seungwoo." Seungwoo smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, we're late. We hit some traffic."

"It's not a problem." She led us to a table. Seungwoo took my hand and watched as a slow smile started to spread across my face. "Please wait for a while, your food will be served shortly."

"Hey." I began, sitting down across from him. "This is the restaurant I'd showed you before, isn't it?"

"Yeah." He grinned at me, peeking up at me shyly. "It is."

"Are you trying to re-enact our dating days?"

He shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not."

I snickered at him. "You're so fucking cheesy. Cheesiest guy in the world."

He flushed. "And you're the coldest girl I've ever met."

I ran my foot down his leg, a small smile on my face. "But you love me."

"Maybe. Maybe not." He echoed, sticking his tongue out at me.

"Are you wearing our first date outfit, too?" I cocked my head, eyes raking over his body.

"Ah...actually, I don't remember what I was wearing. Do you?"

I giggled. "Of course, not."

Our food came a few minutes later. I finished mine faster than he had ever seen me eat.

"Slow down." Seungwoo scolded. "You'll get indigestion."

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