𝙎𝙤 𝙎𝙞𝙘𝙠

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Seungwoo showed up at my parents' house the next morning with Haneul in tow. He interrupted breakfast by bursting in with a suitcase and a murderous look.

"You know I'm not just going to let you divorce me, right?" He said once he saw my quizzical expression, shifting Haneul in his arms. She was fast asleep, her hair nestled against his shoulder.

"Did you ask him for a divorce?" My mother asked in surprise, coming up behind me. She wiped her hands on a dishtowel, which she tossed to me before reaching out for Haneul. Seungwoo held onto her tightly, surveying the both of us with a sour face, lips pressed tightly into a thin line.

"I thought you guys didn't believe in divorce." Seungwoo said mulishly. "Ultra-Conservative robots."

"Seungwoo..." I scolded half-heartedly. My mom huffed and tried to pry Haneul out of his arms. Seungwoo stepped back from her and glared at my mom as Haneul began to stir.

"I think it's an excellent idea." My dad called out in a loud, booming voice from the dining room. He set down his newspaper and walked over to where we all stood awkwardly in the foyer. At least, I felt awkward.

Seungwoo turned to me. "Why are you up? Shouldn't you be laying down? You're having a baby soon; get your ass in bed and rest."

"Now you care?" I asked, a sarcastic edge to my voice. My mother tsked in the background at Seungwoo's language.

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't care." He snapped. "Get upstairs. I'm going to put Haneul in Jian's old room and then we're going to talk. With no interruptions." He added, glancing meaningfully and slightly threateningly at my parents.

I crossed my arms with an attitude. "Don't be rude to my parents."

"Go upstairs." He repeated firmly. "And get in bed."

I glared at him for a minute before turning on my heel and stomping up the steps. I wasn't sure how much it different from my normal heavy-footed pregnant step, but I tried to throw as much attitude into it as possible.

I tucked myself into bed and rested my hands on my bump. I didn't want to have a serious conversation with Seungwoo. I wanted to eat French toast and pineapple and pretend that none of this was happening.

He opened the door quietly and perched on the edge of the bed. I glanced up at him to see his dark eyes shining with hurt.

Seungwoo said my name in a quiet, fervent little voice. I stared back at him for a moment before casting my eyes down to my wedding ring.

"Do you really want a divorce?" He asked, picking at the comforter. "Are you done with me?"

"I'm done with our marriage being like this." I replied.

"It seems rather sudden."

"Yeah." I agreed. "But you know it's been building up for a while."

Seungwoo stared at me, his jaw tense. "I thought we were fine."

"We're fine when we're fine. But when we fight, I don't feel secure in our relationship. At all."

He didn't say anything, just ducked his head down and pulled viciously at a thread in the blanket.

"You take Haneul from me every time we have a fight." I whispered. "You take her from me. You say, 'Haneul's staying with me,' or 'Haneul, let's go.' Or the worst, 'Haneul, Mama has to go now.' God, Suengwoo, you can't just take my daughter from me."

My eyes filled with tears and I exhaled sharply in frustration. I was so damn sick of crying.

Seungwoo cleared his throat, then spoke quietly. "I'm worried you're going to take her from me. So, I...I take her first."

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