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"Haneul, it's time for your bath." Seungwoo sang. She pouted and tried to run away, but he scooped her up into his arms and threw her in the air. She giggled as he caught her and kissed her cheek. "Who's Daddy's favourite girl?" He cooed, rubbing his nose against hers.

"Me!" I cried, looking up from my laptop.

"Correct!" Seungwoo beamed, snuggling Haneul in his arms and pointing at me. "Who's Daddy's favourite baby?" He asked her, poking her cheek.

"Also me!" I raised my hand, grinning.

Seungwoo laughed. "Correct, again. Okay, who's Daddy's favourite Haneul?"

"Me! Me, me!" Haneul cried excitedly.

"Correct!" I pointed at her. "Daddy loves you!"

"I wuv Daddy!" She cried. "Daddy mine." Seungwoo grinned.

"You can have him, baby love." I said, turning back to my laptop. "He's a piece of work, your daddy."

Haneul reached up and patted Seungwoo's cheek. "You beautiful, Daddy." She said solemnly.

"Thank you, baby love." Seungwoo kissed her nose.

Haneul blew me a kiss as Seungwoo carried her into the bathroom. I smiled and blew one back.

I watched them from my perch on the couch as Seungwoo prepared the bath for Haneul. Seungwoo sat on the edge of the tub and tested the water as Haneul stood next to him and laid her head on his knee.

She was such a daddy's girl. She was always fighting with me over who Seungwoo loved more, with her limited two years old language. We both knew it was me. Seungwoo would never love anyone more than he loved me. Although Haneul was definitely a close second.

I was twenty-four when I got pregnant. I had a pretty intense birth experience and it was still the best most rewarding experience of my life. My waters broke six weeks earlier before Haneul's due date. I was watching the final episode of The Mindy Project on Netflix series and was a crying mess at the end that my waters broke.

While my husband was at work, I told him I was ready to have the baby and asked him to come to the hospital as soon as possible. I remembered when Seungwoo arrived the labor room, Dr. Yoon told him that my contractions were not real and that I should wait longer enough until it was the time.

I started to cry and said I wanted the baby out, I couldn't stand being pregnant anymore. I pleaded the doctor to get Haneul out of me. She gave some pain medications called epidural and it was uncomfortable. I couldn't see what was happening, but just felt a needle in my spine and it wasn't pleasant. But then, it did its job. I could feel the sensation of a contraction but with no pain. It was phenomenal.

Time passed and I am grateful that Seungwoo was there with me. He was so sweet to me, he gave me so much of motivational words, he wiped off the sweat on my forehead. He calmed myself down with his sweet kisses.

It was about six in the evening, and the doctor came to check again. Prior to checking, she said it might be a long night and I might not birth her till the morning. I cried so hard; I just wanted the baby out of me as soon as possible. She checked on me again and too her surprise, I was already 9 cm dilated and ready for pushing any minute. She felt Haneul's head and could even see a bit of it. Seungwoo went to have a look, and the look on his face gave me the motivation to push her out.

Eventually, after two hours of pushing, I pushed her enormous head out. There is no word to describe the relief I felt in the moment. They told me that one more push would get the rest of her body out. I hardly felt that part, the head was definitely the worst of it. They let me grab her and put her on my chest. I remember she was so tiny and she didn't cry, and I was worried, but apparently some babies don't and it's normal.

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