𝙈𝙖𝙢𝙖 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘿𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙮'𝙨 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚

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"Daddy! I need chuuu!" Haneul shrieked from her bedroom. Seungwoo visibly deflated and rolled off of me and onto the floor.

"We'll never have another baby like this." He said into the carpet. His voice was muffled, but I could still make out the despair in his tone.

"She can hang out for a bit. Chika's in there with her and she's fine." I climbed off the bed and laid down next to him. He turned his head and smiled at me.

"I love your eyes." He whispered. "And your nose." He leaned in and kissed it. "And your lips."

I moved and met his lips with mine.

We made out for a little while, hands roaming and mouth roaming around each other's bodies. In the distance, I could vaguely hear Haneul playing with Chika in her room.

"DADDY!" She shrieked again.

Seungwoo rolled over on top of me, with an unimpressed look. I let out a soft chuckle and looked up at him through lowered lids.

"Mama, I wuv you." Haneul said sweetly as Seungwoo and I walked her to daycare. It was down the street from our apartment.

"I love you, too, Haneul." I smiled, my heart melting.

"We're here, little love." Seungwoo knelt down in front of Haneul and straightened the buttons on her little pink dress. "Be good, okay? I don't want to hear that you were fighting with Sora again."

"I don' like her." Haneul said stubbornly.

"You don't have to like her. You just have to be nice to her." Seungwoo kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"I wuv you, too, Daddy." Haneul pecked his cheek.

I smoothed her hair and kissed her cheek. "Have a great day, Haneul. Daddy will pick you up after work, okay? Mama will be home a little later."

"Otay." Haneul smiled at me. Seungwoo led her inside and the door clanged shut behind them.

I stood on the sidewalk and pressed a hand to my stomach. Would it ever again be round with a burgeoning life?

Seungwoo rejoined me with a smile on his face. He took my hand and interlaced our fingers.

"I had a dream you were pregnant last night." He confided softly.

"What a nice dream." I patted my stomach morosely. "I'm afraid that it won't come true."

"Don't worry, baby. Everything will work out." He pecked my cheek before we descended the staircase to the parking lot and drove to work.

Seungwoo POV

"DADDY!" Haneul screamed as I walked in the door of her daycare. I squatted down with open arms and she ran to me. We hugged each other tightly until her teacher appeared on the scene handing me her little bagpack.

"How was Haneul today?" I asked as I took her bagpack and slid it on Haneul's shoulder.

"She's been so good." Haneul's teacher grinned. "She's still improving her converse in full sentences. And she learned to count to twenty today, too."

"Ooh, you're getting so big and clever Haneul!" I exclaimed, kissing Haneul's cheek. "We're going home now. What do you say to your teacher, Haneul?"

"Tank you, teacher." Haneul bowed, smiling from ear to ear. Her teacher smiled and fixed her bangs.

"You walk on the outside an' I walk on the inside." Haneul told me with her limited two years old language as we walked along the sidewalk, hand-in-hand.

"Yup. So, Daddy can protect you from the cars and people riding bicycles." I gently squeezed her fingers. I looked back at Haneul as she skipped along next to me, singing a nonsense song about a baby bumblebee. I smiled as I petted her small head.

"Love you." I whispered.

"Wuv you, too, Daddy." Haneul blew a kiss to me and I pretended to catch it. She giggled, a deep throaty giggle. "Daddy, can we get ass ream? I wan' ass ream."

"It's one in the afternoon. You just ate lunch and hasn't napped yet." I told her. I honestly didn't feel like want to deal with a hyper two years old who wouldn't take a nap after eating ice cream.

Haneul hopped up and down while pleading to me. "Ass ream, Daddy? Please? I wan' ass ream."

"Let's get ice cream tonight. After dinner." I said softly. "We'll go home and take a nap, and then maybe go to the park? Do you wanna go to the park?"

"Yeah!" Haneul cheered. "I wanna go to the park. Can I swing on the swings?"

"Yeah, you can." I agreed. "I'm sure you'll have lots of sugar energy after your ice cream."

"Can we bring Chita?" She lisped. My heart squeezed and I suddenly had the urge to scoop her up in my arms and snuggle her forever. I wished she would stay little forever and never learn how to pronounce our cat's name correctly.

"Maybe." I said. She grinned.

God, I just wanted to squeeze her.

By the time we got home, Haneul was curled up in my arms, almost fast asleep. She looked at me from over my shoulder, her little eyelids fluttering as she fought off sleep. I ran my fingers through her hair and she blinked at me.

"You sleepy, little love?"

"'M not tired." Haneul yawned.

I smiled and kissed her nose. "Of course, you're not. You're never tired."

"You tired, Daddy?" Haneul buried her face in my neck, wiping her snot on the collar of my shirt.

I chuckled, a low, husky, sensual chuckle that frankly, my wife didn't like our daughter hearing.

"Mama and I..." I began as I slowly stroke her hair, "did a lot of exercising this morning."

"I do ex-uh-sizes." Haneul fumbled over the word in her childish way. "I do dem at chool."

"Really?" I asked interestedly. She nodded fervently.

"Yeah. I do dem with Teacher Amy. We do yoga."

I internally groaned and shook my head. Did my wife even know that the daycare we send our daughter to was so bougie when she signed her up for it?

I kissed Haneul's nose and she reached out to pinch my cheek.

"Daddy, my haht's beatin'." She informed me sleepily.

"Your heart is beating." I agreed, a soft smile on my face. "I love to hear your heartbeat. It's one of my favourite sounds."

Haneul smiled shyly at me. "I wuv you, Daddy."

"I love you, too, Haneul." I kissed her nose again. "Daddy loves you so much."

"Daddy, Mama told me that Mama and Daddy's wuv put me in Mama's tummy." Haneul pushed her hair back from her forehead as she explained this important fact of life to me.

"Mama said that?" I felt my mouth curve into a half-smile. "That's kinda sweet."

"Is true, Daddy?"

"Well, it's true." I shrugged. "That's how you got in there."

"How did you get in your Mama's tummy?" Haneul asked me.

"My mummy and daddy's love." I answered. "Just like you."

"Haneul?" She jabbed a finger at her stomach.

"Mama and Daddy's love." I whispered into her hair, while staring at my wife who'd just now arrived from work to our little apartment. "Yeah. Mama and Daddy's love." I nodded and kissed Haneul's hair. 

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