Chapter Six

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Married? Did this man just say that we were getting married? What possessed those words to come out of his mouth? Was he delusional? Did he not take my resistance to him as a hint or something? I wasn't going to lie to myself I was "physically" attracted to Nicolas, my body responded to him like second nature...but I honestly felt that I couldn't open myself up to him ever since he used blackmail as a way to get a date with me.

Now his family...well most of them were up and joyously celebrating our "engagement", and by them I meant Daphne and Amelia. Nicolas and his father had their butts firmly planted on their chairs making no motion to get up what so ever. Nicolas was trying to catch my gaze but I was refusing to look at him, I was livid and my throat burned from the wine I had gagged on earlier. His father, Aadrian didn't look too pleased or maybe that was his natural face. This guy looked like the stone-cold definition of a rock...I wondered how somebody as bubbly and filled with life such as Amelia contrasted so deeply with this man. I would have never thought they were husband and wife as an outsider looking in.

I cleared my throat and stood up from my seat, "Excuse me." I excused myself without another word and found the nearest bathroom to hide myself in. I began pacing again; I had a bad habit of doing that when I was on the verge of stressing. I couldn't believe Nicolas just up and said something like that to his family, especially to his mother she seemed like such a sweet woman that resembled him like a mirror image; on the other hand Daphne looked a lot more like her father with the blonde hair and blue eyes, she was a really nice woman as well. We were both 26 and she currently lived in Germany where her husband worked a lot.

Overall they seemed like a happy, complete I never really got much of a chance to explore. When I saw Nicolas's family I thought about my own, I reminiscence about how we would always fight over the potato salad that my mom made and my father and uncle were always the first ones to grab the bowl. Now....I could only imagine how old my parents would be now, still vibrant and full of life with tiny markings of age on their eyes and face. I breathed a deep sigh and faced the bathroom mirror giving myself a thorough look through.

I was 26. I don't think I'm ready for marriage. Not that I would ever considering it with Nicolas anyway...we barely knew each other. How could we possibly spend the rest of our lives together? Just as I thought this the door opened steadily and Nicolas slipped in shutting it behind him.

"Did you ever hear of knocking?" I asked him.

He frowned, "I was knocking...didn't you hear it?" He asked me.

Why didn't I lock the freaking door?

"Nicolas please leave me alone, you have pissed me off beyond words." I spat angrily at him. I was careful not to raise my voice to an extent because we were in a bathroom and it had its tendencies to echo. I didn't want anyone overhearing our conversation right now.

"Valeria, allow me to explain." Nicolas pleaded with me.

I shook my head, "What is there to explain, you just lied to your parents about us getting engaged...why?" I asked him.

He pursed his lips. "I have my reasons." He stated.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I have never agreed to any of this, nor have you proposed an idea that this may happen." I growled.

He bit his lips. "Would you prefer if I proposed to you?" He asked, but then did not give me another second to react before he got down on his knees, taking my hands along with him on the journey.

"Valeria-." He began and I stopped him.

"Get off the fucking bathroom floor, are being ridiculous." I said to him.

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