Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N: Mila in the media section!


I finally got finished from being constantly bombarded with questions left and right from Valeria's family; they all seemed interested in learning about my life and as soon as they learned that I was Italian more questions came flying in my direction, I wasn't sure if I was able to make it through their constant prying, but I did and Valeria seemed visually impressed that I did.

As I tried to make my way back to the bedroom where Valeria has disappeared off to I got cornered by all her uncles.

"There you are, Nicolas...we just wanted to have a nice chat with you before you head off to bed." Samuel said as he patted my back in a very "friendly" manner.

"Is there anything in particular you all wanted to speak to me about?" I gulped; truthfully I was out numbered and couldn't resist anything they were about to say to me.

"Oh nothing too dramatic other than the fact that you are marrying our niece." Jabari replied to my question.

I nodded as they ushered me towards the now empty living room, everyone was either upstairs or over at the other houses preparing for bed; the only people in the area where the brothers and me.

I sat nervously on the couch adjacent from where some of them were standing and or sitting.

"Since our late brother Terry isn't here, we felt it was our duty to warn you of the things he would if he were alive." Mitchell explained to me.

I nodded.

"First and foremost, she's our niece so if you do anything to hurt her...we will personally come and hurt you. Billionaire or not we are all a family here, and if you mess with one person you mess with the entire group." Derrick stated.

"Second of are to treat her like a queen and nothing less, Valeria has Patterson blood running through her veins which means she's a highly intelligent and sophisticated woman who should be treated as such. Don't think for a second just because you put a ring on her finger that you've got the entire story from start to mistake and you will lose her." Samuel warned me.

"Finally, our family likes to live in a positive and drama-free atmosphere and we expect you to keep and maintain that while you are whatever problems that could bring negativity to either you or the family is to be kept away, do you understand?" Samuel informed me.

I nodded again.

"Good...we only get to meet one time a year because of Valeria's graciousness so we want to make it a happy experience for everybody. That's all we ask." He added.

"I understand all your guidelines and intend to follow them precisely." I said to them all.

The brothers nodded.

"We usually would have told you to stay away from her money in addition, but taking that you're pretty wealthy yourself we find no need." Mitchell said.

"How often do two billionaires get together like that?" Jabari thought to himself out loud.

All the brothers all began thinking to themselves as well and I found that as my que to leave; I stood up and ran my hands through my hair. "Is everything in the clear with me now?" I asked as I stirred them out of their thoughts.

They looked at me with a serious formation of their faces, "Yes." They all said simultaneously.

I always found it odd when people spoke together in a uniformed manner; it was like all of them were thinking the same thing at the same time and it made me feel uneasy. I bid them all a good night and headed up towards my bedroom; once I made it up to the suite in which Valeria and I shared, I heard voices on the other side.

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