Chapter Four

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"So Let me get this straight, you're ditching our ladies' night out to go on a date that Nicolas Roselli Italian, billionaire, playboy forced you into because of a contract concerning your company that could be possibly sold?" Cara restated to me as she looked through my kitchen in search for something to snack on.

I sat by the counter with my hands in my head beating myself up on the fact that I had let that one loophole in my company come through. It was a small one, but if Nicolas....anyone who looked close enough saw what he saw, they could easily ruin what I had. I wasn't even sad about the date or anything, I was worried that maybe if I didn't fall through with whatever contract Nicolas and I had going on it was going to affect all the people I had given jobs to. I knew what it was liking working paycheck to paycheck, especially in an expensive city like New York; It wasn't easy and I wanted to make that better for people using my own money and knowledge. Now, Nicolas was trying to take that away from me for his own special gain.


"Valeria!!!" Cara waved her light-skinned hands in between my face.

I snapped out of it, "What?" I asked her with a depressed voice.

She silently smirked at me, "I said am I correct?" She asked me.

I nodded. "You got everything...except you forgot to mention my pathetic attempts to salvage my company." I stated.

Cara touched my shoulders. "Don't sweat it, Val...think of this date as a positive I mean Nicolas Roselli is hot and you did bang him-." I cut her off.

"Don't remind me." I hissed.

She laughed, "Shit...girl if I were you I'd be bragging to everyone and my mama!" She had a glass of wine in her hand and sipped slowly from the cup. When did she get that wine?

"Cara...your mom would probably bop you upside the head if she figured out the amount of sex you were having." I reminded her.

She thought to herself, the wine glass was perched on the bridge of her lip. "I guess Chinese mothers wouldn't like hearing that so much." She smiled and I watched as her mono-lid eyes squinted in response.

Cara was a mixed baby. Her mother was Chinese straight from China, her father was Black and American from Atlanta, Georgia. They were an interesting pair; Cara's mother Mina was a short woman maybe around 5'3 with short dark hair and a wide smile. Cara adapted her wide smile and semi-light complexion. Her father, Charles was 6'1, with honey brown eyes and broad body.

He always wanted his daughter to be the best and to succeed in the world which I have no doubt had been achieved. Cara got her eyes and curly hair from him. She had an older brother named Matius, and he was married with two kids.

"What are you two ladies talking about over here?!" Aunt Ivy walked into the kitchen were the two of us were sitting and chatting.

"Um...nothing." Cara almost choked on her wine.

I rolled my eyes, "You know Cara, Auntie." I said to her.

She winked her eyes and headed for the fridge. "You bet I do...Cara how is everything at home?" She asked her.

"It's great mother says hi." She replied to her

She smiled, "Well tell her I said hi back." She responded.

Cara nodded and then turned to me. "We have to figure out what you are going to wear for the date." She said excitedly.

"Date?!" Aunt Ivy popped her head out of the fridge.

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