Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: Daphne in the media section!


"Come in!" Nicolas's voice rung through the other side of his office door; I was at his father's former office building now turned his and the company was just as huge as his primary one located deeper in the city. This office was filled with workers who were diligently focused at the task they were assigned; even the females here seemed no where interested in an office relationship, rather they sat at their desk typing ferociously and intently.

Whatever kind of establishment Aadrian setup here, it made sure all the workers focused on one thing: their work.

The air was thick and filled with heavy silence; the sounds of fingers typing rapidly on the keyboards of the computers were the only thing to be heard. This place was really depressing, no wonder Nicolas already lost it the first two weeks after taking over the company...which was why I was here to help.

I pushed opened the door to the office and closed it behind me swiftly; Nicolas who was behind a computer desk in the executive office didn't look up to see who it was, and this gave me a moment to observe the office.

It definitely wasn't Nicolas's "style". The room seemed cold and distant, the floors were tiled with black, so clean and pristine it could double as a mirror for anyone who needed it. The walls were painted a still seashell white and only carried a few dull pictures of things like horses and old-fashioned cottages and houses. The rest of the walls were covered from ceiling to floor with books; volumes and volumes of encyclopedias piled the shelves and I could already feel a migraine forming just by trying to figure out what other books Aadrian had possessed in here.

There was nothing more to the room other than glass desk filled with papers Nicolas was working on and a sleek modern looking chair that he was sat on; there were two others facing his desk on the opposing side and I began walking towards them.

"Can I help-." Nicolas looked up with annoyed face, but when he realized it was just me that faced quickly disappeared and filled with a look of....refreshment.

"Angelo? What are you doing here?" He stopped typing and turned to face me with an amused but curious facial expression.

I smirked, "I'm here to apply for the temporary position of your assistant." I pushed my resume across his desk and took a seat on one of the modern chairs, crossing my legs over the other.

Nicolas quirked his eyebrow in confusion and then picked up the folder containing my resume.

"I don't recall ever opening up a position for a...temporary assistant." He questioned himself more than he stated to me.

Can't this man take a hint?

"That's because I made it up...just go along with it, will ya?" I stated.

Nicolas stared at the folder and then back at me, "Why are you doing this?" He asked me curiously.

I bit the inside of my cheek, "I did this because I know your pride-filled self isn't going to ask for help when it's clear that you need it. Honestly, I walked into this building for 5 minutes and I wanted to quit...I don't even work here." I explained to him.

He looked at me intently, his eyes narrowing just a tad bit before he opened the folder and gazed upon the information that I had gladly provided him with.

"Valeria Orianna Patterson, age 27, born in Boston, Massachusetts." He looked up at me briefly and then back down at the paper, "Graduated with honors at Timothy M. Cowars high school in New York City, attended Columbia University and earned a bachelor's degree in business and Finance, graduated Magna cum laude...impressive." He winked at me and I smirked as he continued to go over the details of my very prestigious career.

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