Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Babe, I want to get married in St. Patrick's Cathedral," Valeria stated as she got comfortable in her bed; it's been about a week since the hospital had discharged her and prescribed her some painkillers, sleep, and a lot of relaxation; she was doing well without the pills but from time to time her head would hurt so bad that she would stay in bed until they passed.

Right now we were in her newly renovated home down near Chelsea and I was pretty impressed with the master bedroom she had made for herself, although I'm pretty sure it was for the both of us because she asked me to move in the same day she did so now it was our master bedroom complete with a custom-made king-sized bed, 2 walk-in-closets, a master en-suite that went with Valeria's tastes perfectly "gold and luxurious" the windows were a lot more intimate than her apartment and were shielded by velvet curtains which she kept drawn because she hated when she sun touched her face in the morning, and a traditional fireplace with a modern touch crackling in the background; she really outdid herself with the renovations.

I put on my basic white t-shirt and soon climbed into bed with her, "Okay...whatever you want." I said to her.

She stopped flipping her finger on her iPad and gave me a look.

"What?" I asked her curiously, did I do something wrong by letting her decide the wedding ceremony venue?

"Aren't you going to ask me why?" She asked me.

I bit my lips debating how I should answer this question without it backfiring on me, "I don't know I'm guessing because you like it?" I smiled hoping that would lessen the blow or something.

She frowned, "Nicolas! We're both getting married, not just can't let me do all the planning by myself while you just sit around and do manly things with your boo Victor and...." I started dazing off as she spoke and zeroed in on her gorgeous features like her plump lips and the way they danced up and down when she spoke to me; she was definitely getting a lot better now, her face had started to clear up from the cuts and bruises that were piled on there when they first found her.

"Are you listening to me?!" She asked as she pushed her reading glasses back up to her face; she looked so cute with them on.

I cleared my throat, "Yes?" I replied.

She cocked her head to the side, "What did I just say?" She questioned.

I personally had no clue what she said but I hoped I was somewhat close, "You were saying how beautiful the place was and how perfect it would go with the theme...what's the theme again?" I asked her hoping to distract her from the initial argument.

She pursed her lips. "I think I'm going with a color theme, I was talking to a couple of wedding planners last night and I think I found the best one for us...this wedding is going to be epic." She said with determination, and I noticed how she had forgotten that I wasn't paying attention to her and I smirked.

"Oh! Babe, did you check on Mila?" She asked me as if the thought had just crossed her.

I nodded and yawned, "Just like I do every night, angela." I whispered to her in Italian.

She smiled, "I'm just checking, you're such a good papa to her...she really missed you when we were broken up." Valeria reached over and ran her hand that was still wrapped up in a splint through my hair.

"I missed her too," I confessed.

She turned back to her iPad and began scrolling with her vacant hand as the other was focused on playing with my curls.

"We haven't picked a honeymoon destination yet, have anything in mind?" She asked me.

I bit my upper lip. "Don't worry about any of that...I'm going to take you somewhere special, somewhere you never seen before." I said to her.

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