Chapter Thirty

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"Say cheese, princess!" I called out to Mila as she posed in her pink leotard and ballet skirt; she looked so adorable with her hair up in a clean bun and her little ballet shoes. We went shopping a couple of days ago to get her the required dance attire and dance bag to put her things in, ever since she passed her audition at Joffrey Ballet School she was able to begin classes a week ago and I was excited for her so much that I couldn't stop taking pictures of her; she seemed excited as well.

"Cheese!" She smiled brightly just as I snapped the button on my iPhone 6s.

I clapped my hands together, "Are you ready for your ballet class, princess?" I asked her.

She nodded her head enthusiastically, "Yes, mama." She giggled.

I smiled, "'s your dance bag...I'm going to pick you up in an hour, okay? Have fun." I gave her plentiful kisses on her forehead and then lightly nudged her into the classroom where all the girls were laughing and giggling as they ran across the classroom. Mila entered the classroom and turned briefly to wave at me before I turned and headed out to meet the girls at a nearby cafe.

It's been about a week or so since I've left Amsterdam and for the first couple of days I've been keeping to myself so much that Cara showed up at my place demanding what the hell was wrong with me; I told her what happened and now Nicolas is on the top of her hit list. Daphne for a couple of days has been low-key avoiding me and when I confronted her she explained to me that she was afraid that now Nicolas and I weren't together that I wouldn't want to be friends with her anymore, which I told her was complete bullshit; whatever problem I had with her brother was with her brother and had absolutely nothing to do to her although I did know she gave him an earful when he came back to New York.

I still haven't seen him and I didn't plan on seeing him anytime soon; what happened in Amsterdam really opened my eyes and it was going to take a while to get myself right back to 100 percent like I was used to so, all I know is that I had to watch my back when it came to relationships or I was going to get screwed over just like Maxim, now just like Nicolas.

"There you are, chica...we thought you were a no-show!" Cara hollered at me as I walked into the cafe casually.

I rolled my eyes and checked the time on my phone, "I'm only a minute late, Cara." I nodded towards Daphne, "What's up, Daph?" I asked her.

"I'm good, are you?" She asked me.

"Trying to make it." I set my Balenciaga bag down on the table.

I called down the waiter and ordered a cup of tea and a butter croissant before I got back to speaking to the girls.

"You know what I think we need?" Cara asked us both.

"No." Both Daphne and I chimed in.

She chirped and narrowed her eyes, "We're all stressed out and tired and shit, so how about we take a little spa day...or vacation!" She clapped frantically.

"To where?" Daphne asked as she broke off pieces of her cinnamon bun.

Caroline shrugged, "I don't know I was looking around and a couple of destinations came into mind and I was thinking where is a place we all haven't been before?...BAM! The French Riviera, they have amazing, villas, shops, and of course spas. We can spend a weekend cause I know you feel Val about leaving Mila for more than a couple of days...and we can always bring our work with us, so don't give me that excuse that you're busy...just a weekend." She said trying to convince us.

Well, I haven't been to the French Riviera before so it would be something new; and I felt like I was in desperate need of some TLC, I've been working nonstop and because of the long hours at the office I've been getting tight knots in my back and lower region so it was irking me quite a bit.

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