Chapter Twenty-One

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It's been about 2 weeks since Thanksgiving and since then it's only been getting colder and least in my opinion; I mean I guess I was saying that it's been getting gloomier because I've been itching to go on vacation again and all I've been doing is working constantly and rigorously in my office.

So far my hotel in Miami was completed as of the beginning of October, and as my statistics and reports state it's doing amazing like I expected which only propelled me to call in Lex again and get him started on a new branch in Marrakech, Morocco. Just working on the project from my office made we want to go there, but Nicolas and I finally settled on skiing in Switzerland a couple of days ago so I was going to stick with that until we had to head over to the Hamptons for my family Christmas gathering. Who would have thought the year would come up so quickly on us?...Which would only have to mean Nicolas and I have been together for almost 8 months.

I looked down at my engagement ring that was still flashing flawlessly against my ring finger; I sighed deeply.

At least now I felt a little better knowing that Amelia was in the clear about Nicolas and my relationship. It was right before we were going to leave and Nicolas was packing both my Aunt and my things into the trunk of the car when she pulled me to the side and into one of the lounge rooms to have a slight chat.


"I really hate to see you all go so soon." Amelia said sadly as she watched Nicolas pack both Aunt Ivy and my bags into the on waiting car.

"I agree, but unfortunately we have to go back to New York." Aunt Ivy agreed with her.

They both gave each other a departing hug before Aunt Ivy headed in the direction of the car; I was on my way to say my goodbyes to her as well but instead Amelia pulled me away from the door and into a more secluded corner of the house.

"Something wrong, mama?" I asked her curiously.

Her smile faltered, then my eyes focused on the sight of of her lips quivering slightly; I watched as she pushed her dark hair away from her face a little nervously, "I hope my husband hasn't given you any trouble during this holiday." She stated.

I arched my eyebrow. For the most part Aadrian and I haven't said anything to each other than goodmorning and goodnight; Surprisingly he was pretty calm towards me, but that could be due to the fact that we didn't have to be around each other for a long period of time. Besides that I found it quite odd the way she asked me if he had given me any trouble during the dinner.

"No, why? Is there something I should be worried about?" I asked her seriously.

She sighed and averted her eyes from mine for a minute. "Valeria, I will be blunt with you. I overheard the conversation you had with my husband on our trip to Barbados." She informed me.

I sighed. I guess there was no point in trying to pretend there wasn't any clear beef between Aadrian and I. I only hid it for the sake of Daphne, Nicolas, and that she was aware of the things said in that conversation, I had no other reason to be vague with her.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that, mama." I responded.

She turned her head back to me and shook it dramatically. "I should be the one apologizing, I knew my husband was never found of other cultures and races...I had hope that maybe he would see a difference in you of some sort, but that was squandered. You know I never even knew that he has tried to set-up arranged marriages for my son...oh! He got an earful when we got back to Milan. I just want you to know that my family is more than happy to welcome you into our circle; excuse my husband's comments but there are certain things you can't change about a person...even if you love them." She confessed.

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