Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Today I was getting married to the love of my life.

I woke up with the brightest smile on my face; I may have gotten the least sleep among my friends but I felt the most refreshed, my heart just raced thinking about Valeria walking down the isle and finally becoming mine.

My wife.

"You look excited, amico." Marco said as he erupted from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his face and a slight smirk playing on his face.

I sat up in bed and nodded, "I finally feel the happiest that I've ever felt in my life." I informed him.

His smile grew wider, "Although I'm slightly disgusted and repulsed by you admitting your feelings to me I am happy for you, Nicolas." He said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you, Marco," I replied.

He nodded before he headed in the direction of his room. I slipped out of bed and ran my hands through my hair; I was starving and in dire need of something to eat. I headed out of my suit and walked into the living room where some of the guys were having breakfast.

"There he is, the man of the moment!" Gigo laughed sarcastically.

I flipped him off and plopped onto one of the love seats before I grabbed a butter croissant to bite into. Some of the guys were still in their pajamas, others looked freshly did from a shower; it was always a mix between us. 

"So how does it feel?" Victor nudged me.

I gave him a look, "How does what feel?" 

"You're getting married, man...what's not to feel?" Ricarldo laughed.

I shrugged, "I just feel happy...not nervous or anything like that." I said picking up a cup of espresso.

"Bold to the world, but a crying man inside Nicolas," Roman commented.

I made a face, "Well how did you feel on the day of your wedding, fratello?" I asked him curiously.

He thought for a second, "Eager to get some ass...finally, which is kind of like you right Nic?" He asked with a light tone.

The guys busted out in laughter at my lack of sexual activity.

"Must you keep bringing that up, Roman?"

"Why not...I like to see men at their deprived state it satisfies my angry ego." He replied with a smirk.

"Who's ego is getting satisfied?" Marco came into the room wearing a white button shirt and some boxers. 

"Roman. We were just figuring how he would like his ego stroked, hm?" Ricarldo answered him.

Roman quirked his eyebrow at him.

"Uh...okay, I'm taking none of you had a decent conversation with your woman lately." He stated.


"Not really."

"She won't answer my texts."

"I'm pretty sure she's busy." The room filled with the men stating their reason for non communication with their ladies.

"You all are losers." Marco said plopping down onto the couch.

"Man fuck you." Victor said.

The room grew silent.

" what do we do now?" I asked.

Everyone shrugged.

"I don't know I've never done this before." Ricarldo said.

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