Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you guys are still enjoying the story! The picture at the top or on the side where the media is located is Nicolas's birthday cake. I thought it was really nice, and the woman who made it is actually Barbadian! Shout out! lol :)


It's been 3 days since the realization of Nicolas's father, since that time the entire family and I have been touring around Barbados, having dinner together, and just enjoying each other's company...or at least we were trying to. I've been low-key noticing Aadrian's hostility towards me as the days moved forward. He made snide comments at the dinner table which I chose to ignore but did not forget, he always seemed to be critiquing my culture whenever we did step outside for some sight-seeing, not to mention the undeniable cruel behavior he was shooting to Nicolas whenever he got the chance; it was breaking the poor man, and although he wouldn't let anyone see...I saw. It was crystal clear as if he were a glass window I was looking through.

I was pretty aware Nicolas's "dealing" with the situation wasn't working, or he wasn't exactly trying at like a woman of my word I was going to take care of it myself; I just needed to find the right time.

Despite those persistent problems, I was enjoying my vacation off in my homeland. The other day Cara, Daphne, and I went out to check out Yeila's progress on our Crop Over Costumes, seeing as Cara and I gushed at how amazing they looked I sensed that Daphne felt a little left out since she didn't have one herself, but since Yeila was such an efficient woman she made extras just for the sake of it and luckily she was able to fit one to Daphne's size; now today was the day of the Crop Over Festival and the girls and I were getting primed and dressed for the event.

It was actually a multiple day kind of thing, you'd have one day where people parade around and dance to music and eat which is today, and other days there would be floats, and another will be contests on who has the best costumes and such. We were only going to a couple but today was always the main focus...which was having fun.

"Val, did I put this on right?" Daphne called over to me.

I looked up from tying on my beady and colorful skirt; Daphne was trying to tie the back string of the bra connected to her dress but she was having some difficulties. I quickly went over to help her with the outfit. We were all in my master bathroom, getting ready to head out. Nicolas was somewhere outside the bedroom waiting for us...impatiently might I add because were taking so long. I finished helping Daphne get the rest of her stuff on before I quickly slipped on a pair of Jordan 12s; I wasn't going fancy with heels or anything while I was out there because it was a lot of walking and I didn't need that added stress. Daphne and Cara on the other hand where doing wedges and I tried to shut them down but they refused. I secretly packed a pair of flip flops for them if they needed it later.

"Thanks girl." Daphne said once I finished helping her.

I nodded, "No problem...I think we're all done now." I said making some last minute touches on my appearance.

I heard Nicolas's groan from the door, "Are you really?" He asked sarcastically.

"Shut up, Roselli!" Cara barked.

Daphne threw her head back and laughed at her brother's impatience, but overall we really were done and excited the bathroom in a collective group.

"Ta-da!" I said spinning around in circle for the added effect.

Nicolas froze when he saw us in the a matter of fact he arched his eyebrow in confusion.

"So...?" I asked.

"So....where's the rest of it?" He asked me.

Cara chirped and Daphne rolled her eyes before she began walking towards the door.

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