Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: Devin in the media section!


"I'm fine Victor...really." I hauled the tennis ball with force right across his way, which he returned with the same amount of force and power. We were playing a game of tennis which each other at a local spot in Jordaan; just to get away from the house and the horrid feeling it gave us whenever we were there.

Nicolas has been avoiding me ever since we had that little blow-out the other day and to be honest, he was being a complete jerk; instead of talking it out like I had initially planned for us to do, he just made up excuses and disappeared off on the day with Dendra; I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the same girl he claimed he would never ever get back with was the same woman he was attempting to gain his attention from.

Victor too looked a lot more anxious, whatever business he had with Dendra looked unfinished...or untouched judging, by the way, he looked at her sometimes which just made me even more curious as to why exactly she had invited him. Victor looked like he could be anywhere but this place, and still he still remained here with whatever hidden goal he was trying to achieve. Nicolas and Victor still weren't speaking to each other only sending glares here and there to each other at the dinner table but I could tell his heart wasn't into it, he had other things on his mind.

"Are you seem a little on edge." He swung the ball in a trick shot, but I was quick and hit it to his far-right which caused him to miss and for me to get the point.

"Yes!" I cheered.

He smirked, "Nice one." He complimented me.

"You are messing with the tennis captain of Columbia University after all." I boasted.

"Please tell me once more, I'm sure Dendra couldn't hear you from over here." Victor joked and I couldn't help but laugh.

When I was done laughing, I took a bottle of my cold water and dosed my throat with it, "You seem a little salty Victor...would you like some of my water?" I offered him.

He rolled his eyes and played with his tennis racket, "I'm just a little annoyed she postponing our" He said seriously.

I arched my brow, "You came all the way over here from New York" I asked him.

He pursed his lips and thought of how he should respond to that before he shrugged, "Maybe I came here for alternate reasons, but that is for me to know, Val." He said.

I put my hands up, "Hey your life, but don't start crying when I hand you your ass on a platter after this game." I said preparing myself for a serve of the ball.

"Such a trash talker," Victor muttered.

"What was that?!" I called out to him.

"Nothing...just serve." He waited for me to begin.

I swerved the ball and we kept going back and forth chatting as we enjoyed the sunny day before us; in the end, I won which wasn't much of a surprise to me or Victor he knew what kind of woman he was dealing with. After our game, we headed to a cafe with Mila to grab something to snack on since she was a little hungry, and when we were done we headed back to the Meijer residence.

Dinner time approached, which had to be the absolute worst part of the day for me I never wanted to be there but it wasn't like I could skip dinner or anything so I had to endure about an hour of sitting in silence if the Meijers chose not to have a conversation that night; honestly, we've only been here for about a week and a half and I felt like I've been here for nearly 3 months.

Victor who was sitting beside me at the table, nudged me playfully as Dendra kept staring at our direction curiously.

"I think she has a crush on you," I whispered to him.

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