[24] Wandering

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The first thing Bokuto does when he walks into the hotel room is find the nearest bed, and plops onto it, limbs sprawling into starfish position.

"You know, normally you're supposed to check and make sure there isn't any bed bugs," Akaashi scolds, though immediately joins Bokuto, laying beside him. Despite Bokuto's unconventional position, the bed was big enough for Akaashi to still comfortably lay down.

"Considering how much this room was, there better not be any bed bugs."

"Fair enough," Akaashi laughs, stretching out before standing up off the bed. "We don't have anything to do today, right?"

Bokuto hums.

"We should do something then. I just want to walk around and look at the city. I was reading the itinerary, and we'll barely have any time to do anything since the rest of the week is booked."

The other groans, rolling into a tiny ball. "I just wanna sleep. I'm tired cause of the jet lag."

"It was an hour flight, and you were sleeping for the majority of it."

"Details," he mumbles, his eyes flickering open and closed.

Akaashi sighs, shaking his head at Bokuto's odd sleeping habits. Some times he goes multiple days with little sleep, while other days he couldn't stay awake for more than a few hours.

"Okay, then you sleep. I'm going out."

Bokuto opens his eyes to peer at Akaashi zipping his jacket over his clothes. "I thought you were hesitant about even coming here, what's with the change of heart?"

Akaashi shrugs, "Well I was talking to Suga, and he was able to convince me that I was over thinking things. Plus I thought some more on the plane, and I figured he was right. Might as well enjoy it while I'm here."

Bokuto nods, his eyes starting to close again. "Yeah, everytime I looked over at you, you looked deep in thought. Kinda looked like you were constipated or something," he softly chuckles.

The younger rolls his eyes, heading towards the door to leave the hotel room, slipping on his shoes.

"Don't get lost!" Bokuto weakly yells from the bedroom.

"That's not gonna happen!" Akaashi yells back.

He double checks he has everything on him needed, then slips out the door making sure it locks behind him.
He gets on the floors elevator, waiting for it to close shut.

It was only mid-day, so he figured he had plenty of time to wander around and get some food to bring back later for dinner. He walks through the lobby weaving in through crowds of people.

Coming back to Osaka so soon was definitely not what he had in mind, but he couldn't help but feel giddy as he stepped outside the hotel into the crisp weather he knew all too well. He begins walking in a direction, not knowing where he's going.

Lucky for him, he knew the area they were visiting. The hotel they were staying at was well known in the area for being a hot-spot for celebrities and entrepreneurs, with it's impressive architecture and spanning 32 floors tall.

During his youth he would spend most of his time wandering around the city with no destination in mind, much like he was doing now. The action brought back nostalgia of his younger self walking the streets, with nothing but his phone and some money on him.

He pops into random stores he finds interesting, though he doesn't actually find anything worth purchasing.

He's walking along when he stops in his tracks. He stares at a build board on the opposite of the street advertising a luxury clothing brand. His attention is fully caught on the picture featuring a male model with striking eyes and tousled hair. He can feel his face sour before
someone bumps into him, causing him to snap out of his stare.

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