[3] Red or black?

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"Where am I from?"


"College and major?"

"Osaka Institue of Business with a masters in business management."

"How'd we meet?"

"You started working here and you caught my eye. We started hanging out outside of work and started going on dates. Eventually I asked you out"

Akaashi hummed. "How long have we been dating?"

"Uhh... 5 months?"

Akaashi quirked his eyebow, "Wanna answer that differently?"

"Oh shit! It's 3 months."

It was three days later and they had come up with their background story. Because dinner with Bokuto's parents were coming up soon, Bokuto couldn't afford to mess up. 

"Okay next question. Where was our first date?"

"The Sakura Bakery."

"Future plans?"

"Get married after you finish your PhD and have 3 kids."

"I thought we agreed on 2?"

"Honestly it could've been. My head hurts. All these questions and answers are blurring together," Bokuto groaned before slumping his entire upper body on his desk.

"You're telling me you can give full blown 20 page presentations but can't remember these few details?"

"To be fair, I normally have a week to prepare and not under the pressure to please my persistent mother."

"Fair enough. We'll take a break," he relented. 

"Thank god," Bokuto said standing up and stretching. "I think I'm getting a migraine. How the hell do you even remember all of this?"

"Good memory," Akaashi stated also standing up. "Don't worry, we still have till Friday—so two days. That'll give us plenty of time to remember everything."

2 days were definitely not enough

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2 days were definitely not enough. The two were in the car on their way to meet Bokuto's parents, and he was still mixing up whether Akaashi's favorite color was red or black (it's red).

As they pulled up to the curb to be let get out, Akaashi couldn't help to notice two things. The first being that the restaurant was gorgeous, with it's white walls and columns being almost intimidatingly prestine. The building was so lit up Akaashi could've been fooled with thinking it were the gates of Heaven.

tThe second thing he noticed was Bokuto's knee which was bouncing up and down faster than what was deemed necessary.

"Hey," Akaashi said placing his hand gently over Bokuto's knee, momentarily stopping it's movement, "You'll be fine. We got this," Akaashi reassured giving Bokuto a comforting smile.

All Bokuto could do was nod curtly and keep practicing the breathing exercises he saw on Youtube once. They thank the driver and walk inside, getting sat immediately as Bokuto's parents were already there waiting for them.

Their table was thankfully in the back corner of the restaurant, secluded from the rest of the patronages. As they neared the table, bokuto's mom stopped talking to her husband, her face lighting up at the sight of them.


"Hi mom, dad," he greeted smoothly.

He might've looked calm and kept together, but Akaashi knew better. He's seen Bokuto nervous many times, whether it be before he goes talk in meetings or dealing with buisness partners.

To someone else, Bokuto looked like the epitome of a confident business owner. Head held high and shoulders back, nothing to give away that he would rather stab himself in the eye with a spork than give a presentation. Well almost.

After almost a year of working under Bokuto, Akaashi's been able to pick out the key signs of nervousness. For one, he'll hold his arms differently. Instead of them laying flat by his side, they bend right at the elbow to make an awkward shape. Not a lot, but enough to look like he's a doll who's arms weren't made to straighten.

The second thing is that he tends to rock on the sides of feet. Sometimes Akaashi worries he's going to roll his ankle doing that.

Those two signs are what gives away bokuto's nervousness as he goes to give his mom a hug. As they pull away, Akaashi and Bokuto's mom make eye contact. she gives him a warm smile that resembles Bokuto's.

"Koutarou! You didn't tell me your boyfriend was a model!" she exclaimed pushing last her son to give Akaashi a hug.

Akaashi laughs politely, thanking her. He makes quick and comfortable small talk with her. 

Bokuto can't help but think that Akaashi is definitely the boy you would want to bring home to your mom. He's the boy that every parent would be trying to marry their eldest daughter to.

The dinner was nice and the atmosphere was nothing less than pleasant. As expected, Bokuto's mom was rapidly asking questions about the two's "love life." His dad on the other hand was much quiter and would only really talk to tell his wife to tone down the questioning. 

Despite the uneaseiness beforehand, Bokuto was even fine making it through dinner. he only had one slip up (now they've been dating for 5 months instead of 3 months—oh how time flies).

Akaashi also had his struggles. He was used to calling Bokuto various things: sir, Bokuto, Bokuto-san, but never by his first name. The names feels foreign on his tongue; an employee doesn't call his employer by their first name as stated by Akaashi's 258 rules on the business world. 

It's a small thing, but Akaashi figures he should get used to it. When they go to leave, more hugs are given out, and Akaashi gets told that he was a delight to meet and that she's "so happy that Koutarou found someone" (he feels guitly after hearing that one).

The two get into the car, Bokuto heaves a sigh of relief and slouches in his seat. As Akaashi buckles his seatbelt he sees bokuto turn to look at him. Akaashi turns and meets his gaze to see a satisfied smile on Bokuto's face.

"That went well."

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