[14] Fashion designer stare

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When Akaashi had agreed to come over later that day, Bokuto didn't know what to expect.

Oikawa and Akaashi meeting wasn't something he had ever thought about. He was excited: two important people to him were meeting. It was like different parts of his world were colliding. Sure Akaashi had met some of his friends, but Oikawa was a different case. 

All of Bokuto's friends Akaashi have met have been from companies and work settings. Akaashi met Kuroo with the label of "business partner." Oikawa on the other hand, is just getting introduced as "Bokuto's close friend from college." 

The two had very different conotations. As the door belll rang, signifying Akaashi was here, Bokuto felt a pit form in his stomach.

He didn't know how the two would pair; all he knew was that he desperately wanted them to get along. Though it didn't help that they were also complete opposites. 

Akaashi was toned down; he was reserved. Although he became sociable and more outgoing the closer you got to him, he was still introverted. He wasn't much of a talker, but Bokuto didn't mind, because every word Akaashi spoke was like a 1,000 words to him. 

Oikawa on the other hand, was the defintion of an extrovert. He was loud and loved being the center of attention, similar to Bokuto and Kuroo. He had a lively presence and had a childish vibe to him.

But he was also, in a term, a big bitch. He was judgemental and loved to talk shit about other people. He wasn't known to hold back and didn't sugar coat his words (which is what made him thrive in the fashion industry in the first place). 

He was also worried because Oikawa was extremely over-protective of him. After the initial shock of Bokuto seeing someone, he was hounded with questions. Oikawa wanted to make sure this guy was good for Bokuto, and that came with the notion that Oikawa was not going to hold back. 

So as Bokuto opened the door, greeting Akaashi into his apartment, he couldn't help but worry. He knew he should trust Oikawa to not do anything too out there, but as Oikawa's eyes scanned up and down Akaashi's body, examining the other, Bokuto couldn't help but worry about what was going to come out of his mouth. 

"Hi, I'm Akaashi Keiji," he spoke.

Oikawa continued to analyze the other, his eyes narrowing every once in a while. 

"Um, Oikawa?" Bokuto waved his hands in front of his face.

Oikawa brought his eyes back up to meet Akaashi's, "do you want to be a model for me?"

Akaashi tilted his head, confused at the other's words, "I'm sorry, I don't get what you mean?"

Bokuto felt a sense of relief wash over him—Oikawa didn't chew out Akaashi. He went and flopped on his couch, the cushions bouncing under the sudden weight. 

"Oikawa leave him alone," he complained. 

"It was a serious question!" Oikawa whined. 

"I thought you were going to beat him up with how intensely you were staring at him," Bokuto admitted.

"That's just my 'fashion designer' stare," he defended. 

"Good thing I don't work with you then."

Oikawa let out a huff before going and sprawling over the arm chair. Akaashi shook his head at their banter before joining Bokuto on the sofa.

"Thanks for the offer, but modelling isn't my thing," he replied amused.

"Damn," Oikawa murmured. "The offer is always there though," he winked.

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