[6] Gas station coffee and a cat

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It was Akaashi's least favorite time. Evaluation week.

Although Bokuto might've been ceo of his own company, in the big scheme of things it was just a branch off of of his father's company.

What that all meant was that when evaluation week came around every 3 months, Bokuto wasn't left off the hook. And so, despite coming in at 7am that morning, at 2:02am the two were still at the office.

Akaashi was hastily flipping through documents while Bokuto was furiosuly signing his signature. Akaashi looked at the pile of papers on his desk. He still had at least 20 more documents to go through.

The words on the pages kept blurring and Akaashi kept having to rub his eyes to make himself feel awake.

'In the last 2 months...2 months...how much profit...profit.........in the last 2 months,' his eyes kept going over the same words trying retain the information to no avail.

"Okay," Bokuto said quickly standing up, "I need a break."

"I feel that."

"Let's go somewhere," Bokuto said already heading towards the door.

"Wait what? Where?"

"Don't know yet, but somewhere away from here. If I see one more 'sign here' I am going to lose it."

Akaashi knew he should just stay and finish up, especially with deadlines being the day after tomorrow. But then he took one look at his desk that had papers strewn across it and realized there was no way in hell he was going to make anymore progress on it tonight.

"Yeah okay," he replied grabbing his coat and following Bokuto out of the office.

As they got into the elevator, Akaashi slumped against the wall and closed his eyes.

"That tired?"

"At one point i forgot what came after 15."

Bokuto let out a drowsy laugh, and as the elevator dinged, akaashi had to use all his willpower to move. 

Knowing that everywhere was closed, the two ended up at an empty 24/7 gas station getting coffee.



Akaashi looked over to see that Bokuto had dumped the coffee creamer all over the floor. In an exhausted state, akaashi found this the most hilarious thing in the world.

"It's not that funny," Bokuto pouted.

"But it kinda is," Akaashi managed to get out in between laughs.

Bokuto ended up having to get the poor teenager who looked just as tired as them come and clean it up. After profusely apologizing, the two left, but not before Bokuto left a $100 bill on the cashier countertop ("I felt bad").

They left the gas station with their coffees in hand. Akaashi took off the lid of his coffee, lightly blowing on it to hopefully cool it down. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Bokuto bring the coffee up to his lips.

"I wouldn't do that, it's still really ho-"

Too late. But instead of Bokuto yelling out in pain like Akaashi expected, he didn't seem affected by the scorching coffee.

"Hm, what was that?" Bokuto questioned going to take another sip.

Akaashi was horrified to say the least. "Nothing."

"oH LOOK AT A CAT!" Bokuto pointed across the street before running towards it.

"28 year old, ceo my ass," Akaashi grumbled before walking after him.

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