Chapter 2- Sweet Voice

Start from the beginning

" What happened Joon? Why are you looking at me like that " Chang wan asked him rising his one eye brow " I want someone to take care of him and Change...I want him to get married " Chang wan chuckled " so why are you nervous about that...he will agree with you...and I know you will chose the right person for him " he said.

Namjoon smiled sheepishly " Actually...I already chosed someone more him " Namjoon said...Chang wan smiled " I'm sure you have chosen the right person for him " Chang wan said smiling...Namjoon gulped " It's non other than Jungkook ".....

In the Cafe

" So now tell as " Yoonji said, Jungkook was still angry and it was visible on his face...which confused everyone in the cafe, because everyone in the village ( let's just call it village ) knows about Jungkook...he is that one person, who don't really get mad easily " Come on Kookie...spill the tea " Jungkook glared at Hoseok.

" You know what that guy said ?" Jungkook asked with an angry smile...Yoonji and Hoseok shook their head " He said that I'm not a Virgin but I want my partner to be " Jungkook said cleanching his fist " Well- " Yoonji was about to say something but Jungkook stopped her.

" You know Noona...He asked me if I am a virgin..and with a smirk " Jungkook scoffed remembering his cheap smirk....Hoseok and Yoonji looked at each other and than again at Jungkook " what happened next?" Hoseok asked getting interested in the topic but he gulped when Jungkook glared at him.

" I said no....and he called me a ' whore'.....can you believe it " Jungkook said and dryly chuckled " he called you whore?" Yoonji asked him in dead serious tune...Jungkook sighed and nodded " I will kill him " Hoseok said and was about stood up but Yoonji grabbed his collar and made him sat back down on the chair.

" You over actor sit down...he must be out of this area now " Yoonji said in a sassy tune...Hoseok pouts and caress the back of his nap " I got angry he called Kookie whore " Hoseok said...they looked up at Jungkook....who was looking really pissed " Are you okay?" Hoseok asked and out his hand on his arm.

Jungkook sighed and nodded his head " I'm just surprise...he can't put there dick insides there pants...just for there pleasure but in return they want a pure and simple seriously " Jungkook said and sighed again...Yoonji and Hoseok looked at each other " okay calm down...let's go to the hospital hmm " Jungkook nodded and stood up from chair.

Back in Jungkook's house

Chang wan was laughing so hard while Namjoon sitting there awkwardly and a cookie in his hand thinking If it's the right moment to eat or not " A-are you serious " Chang wan stopped laughing and asked him...Namjoon nodded his head...Chang wan start laughing again.

Namjoon rolled his eyes " why are you laughing?" He asked him with frown eyebrows...Chang wan looked at Namjoon holding at his laughter " well " he sat up straight on the sofa and cleared his throat and Namjoon finally continuing with his cookie.

" You know Jungkook will make your son a perfect man...and I'm worried that you will miss your this son " Chang wan said and put his hand on his mouth controlling himself not to laugh again...Namjoon scoffed " what's so funny in that?" namjoon asked...Chang wan looked at him " funny thing is that your son is from the big city Seoul and my son is from this small place " Namjoon looked at him confused.

" So ?" He asked " well...the think is I know about Jungkook....he will make Taehyung stop doing or the bad thinks he do and also I know that Jungkook is the right person for him " Chang wan said and smiled " Taehyung is not a bad know why he spend he so much time in club " Namjoon sighed " For his pleasure " Namjoon said .

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