Osomatsu and Deaf!Reader

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He stopped in front of them, resting a hand on his hip, "You shouldn't sleep out here."

There wasn't an answer from them.

Maybe he's actually asleep? Osomatsu squatted down and listened carefully, hearing their breathing slow and shallow.

"Hey," He tapped their arm gently, frowning when he didn't get a response. Osomatsu reached out and shook their left shoulder, calling out louder.

In a swift movement, the person woke up and shoved something close to his eyes, a thick liquid spraying from their extended hand.

"What the hell?!" Osomatsu screamed out in shock and pain, his hands flying up to his eyes to rub off whatever was coating them. The sting grew worse as his eyes teared up from the pain, making him stumble and roll onto his back in agony. He couldn't see anything past the inky blur of night, but he felt two hands grab at his shirt and pull him in a direction, blindly clambering them before he realized that the person may be trying to kill him.

"Get off!" Osomatsu twisted around, feeling the hands let go of his shirt before pushing him forward instead of dragging him. He reeled from the touch again, rubbing at his eyes more furiously to get rid of the paste.

Fucking mace...!

He stumbled over a step, fearing that he was going to fall down the staircase and quickly backed up into someone. They pushed at him again and he took a few steps forward before he heard a door close somewhere behind him.

My neighbor!

"Help me...!" His hands burned as he grabbed his shirt to rub off the mace from his eyes. A small grunt sounded behind him as the hands pulled at his right arm, leading him somewhere. If he wasn't at the staircase, then where was he?

Another urgent noise, sounding more female this time, came from in front of him before he felt his upper half be pushed over the lip of something. As he fought against the lip, feeling something smooth and cool underneath his stinging hands, he stilled as cold splashed onto his face.

Caught off-guard, he sputtered and spat out the new liquid that had made its way into his mouth, fearing that he had been sprayed again for complete submission. Another cold splash before the same female voice grunted, the words garbled in his ears.

The new liquid didn't burn at all. In fact, it brought relief to the burning and calmed Osomatsu down from his adrenaline-fueled fight-or-flight mode. He recognized the smell of it through the heavy pepper scent.


He cupped his hands and held them out in front of him, motioning for milk to be poured onto his hands. The person helping him obliged, pouring some milk into his cupped hands before he started to wash his hands in the liquid, rubbing off the pepper spray before even thinking of touching his face. Switching between his face and hands, the person stopped giving him milk for a moment, leaving him partially blinded as his front door closed again.

Kneeling in the stillness, he could see that he wasn't outside the apartment at all.

He was in his own bathroom in fact, positioned over the tub with milk dripping off his face and hands. Without blinking, he partially turned to glance over the side of the tub, seeing a large empty milk bottle resting on the bathmat. The bath itself was a mix of red and white liquids, the pepper spray clinging to the sides of the tub.

"I'm gonna beat the crap outta him..." He growled as he heard his door open and close once more, someone entering the bathroom and kneeling next to him. A feminine hand reached from his peripheral vision with a wooden ladle full of milk, giving him almost no time to react before it was thrown against his face.

Sixfold Adventures (Osomatsu-san One-Shot Collection)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora