Chapter Nine

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Hey, loves here is the next chapter! I hope you loves enjoy it please comment I really love it when you do, thank you!!!!🧡💙

Naruto, and Sasuke were seated in the corner of the cafeteria having a small space to themselves. Naruto grew nervous, as his eyes flicked around the room always catching someone staring at them, only for the person to whisper away to their friends. This is partly why he hated the cafeteria.


He didn't hate the cafeteria, he hated the thirsty gossip, students that had nothing better to do, than to speak about each other, or someone else. Just the attention, was tickling his anxiety.


The blond turned to face his best friend who peered at him.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto shook his head deciding to scoot closer to the end of the booth where his eyes couldn’t spot a person. The more he couldn’t see the more his anxiety would be controlled.

Yet, he couldn’t eat he felt everyone's eyes on him, his heart began to pump, and he felt like the walls of even the room was closing in on him. He was finding it hard to breathe, as he tried to control himself. He shook his head only to wrap his food, and snatch his bag not saying a word to Sasuke. His best friend was so shocked by the action, that it took him a while to process that he had just scurried off. The raven wrapped up his food, and raced after the blond he broke through the doors. Sasuke followed behind pushing the doors open to find Naruto slightly hunched, and panting.

"Naruto?" Sasuke called rather worried.

The blond turned to face him, but as Sasuke got closer Naruto lifted his hand to place it against his chest, still Sasuke only walked closer inflicting Naruto to grasp his shirt for support.

"S-sorry…P-panic…a-a-attack." Naruto panted out.

Sasuke shook his head dismissing the unnecessary need for the blond to apologize.

"Naruto look at me." Sasuke softly ordered.

Naruto obeyed his orbs peering up at him.

"Breathe slowly okay?"

The soothing tender voice only helped him ease himself he nodded trying to control his heavy pants. Sasuke looked over his shoulders, as students here, and there were walking out only to spot them, and whisper, he knew that wouldn’t help the blond, so he grasped his best friends wrist where they walked over to the stairs to stand under them in the corner.

Sasuke waited patiently, as Naruto eased himself. Thoughts were spiraling in Sasuke's head, his heart weakening. He never knew Naruto had history of panic attacks. He never even remembered the blond ever going through them. His eyes fell over his best friend, slightly feeling he didn’t know the blond fully. Those secrets Naruto held were probably the secrets that made him.


"You okay?" Sasuke asked the blond, as he noticed Naruto slowly go back to his regular breathing.

Naruto nodded.


Naruto let Sasuke go only to sigh heavily he stepped back to be pressed against the wall, and slowly slide down to the ground. Sasuke followed taking a seat on the floor, as Naruto curled his legs against him.

He placed his chin on his knee his eyes peering at the ravens.

"Sorry, Sasuke for being such a-"

"Don't." Sasuke said cutting Naruto off knowing the unnecessary words he was going to claim.

"You are not a bother. You never are." Sasuke stated in a comforting voice.

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