Chapter Twenty Two

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Hey, loves here is the next chapter! I hope you loves are enjoying the book so far! Thank all so much for taking your time to read my book! 🧡💙

"Hey guys how was your weekend!?" Kiba, asked standing on the side of the school waiting with Shikamaru.

Kiba gazed at the blond who blushed, and Sasuke who only smirked. The rest of the group was meeting at the front of the school that was piled with girls that were gushing Sasuke's name. Sasuke, and Naruto were at the front of the gates the raven gazed towards Naruto who looked at him perplexed.

"Oh it went something like this." Sasuke started.

He grasped Naruto hand pulling him close to then dip him back, and take his lips for a kiss. The whole students around them went quiet, as Sasuke kissed his blond who was shocked by his action, but nonetheless feeling Sasuke's lips move melted him to kiss back.

Sasuke lifted him back to his feet his blond blushing, and looking so shy brought a smile over his lips. Sasuke then lifted Naruto over his shoulder to gaze at the girls in front of him.

"Sorry ladies I'm taken, and everyone better think twice about trying to hit on this got it?" He sternly ordered his finger pointing at Naruto who was over his shoulder.

Naruto gasped in shock only to cover his face, as he grew a bright red. Kiba laughed loudly, while Sai whistled. Shikamaru was shocked to say the lease, but the fact that Sasuke had the guts to announce his relationship was Naruto really awe struck him. There was a mixture of broken cries, gushes, and anger.

"I'm hurt, but they're cute!"

"Gosh darn it I knew I should of been born a boy!"

"Wha when? How? Why?"

"How cute! I love it!"

"I figured!"

There was mixed commotion, the group followed Sasuke who carried Naruto pass the school doors. Sasuke placed him down only to gaze at Naruto who was a flustered mess. The group was shocked to see Sasuke kiss the blonds forehead. Kiba wasn’t as shocked he knew Naruto was a soft spot in his heart. The small gesture of affection mixed with those eyes just showed how much he adored the blond.

Kiba ran up to the two to hug their arms Kiba's eyes fell over Naruto's wrist his eyes widened only for his head to fall back.

"I can't I'm going to cry from the overflow of cuteness from the both of you!" Kiba wailed out.

Naruto giggled the brunet clinging onto the blond he smiled at him pointing at his eyelashes that he fluttered. Naruto eyes widened for a moment he then pointed at his seeing that they were both wearing eyeliner. Kiba pushed Naruto to the side a bit, as Shikamaru grasped Sasuke's attention.

"So he liked it?" Kiba whispered.

Naruto nodded gently.

"Mm. He asked if I was comfortable with it first then told me he really liked the eyeliner, and my hair." Naruto confessed.

Naruto had the same hairstyle from yesterday, but he slightly let his side bangs out. Kiba's heart melted.

"See I told you." Kiba gushed.

Naruto grasped onto to Kiba gazing at him with appreciation.

"But how did you know?" Naruto asked.

Kiba smiled brightly he turned towards Sasuke who was talking to his boyfriend.

"His eyes." Kiba hinted.

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