Chapter Thirty-Two

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Hi loves here is next chapter please let me know what you loves think! 💙🧡

"Naruto you okay?" Pain asked again.

Naruto took a step back his eyes falling over those orange orbs that somehow expressed how concerned the other was.

"No, I'm not what are you doing Pa-"

"Yahiko." He cut in his voice delicate.

Naruto turned his head away his mind was spinning with lost, and confusion, especially at the fact that Pain was now using his first name again.

"You're not even on the list of people I would think would help me." Naruto stated.

The blond turned back towards Yahiko who held a shamed expression over his face.

"So what do you want huh? You're going to try, and black mail me or something?" Naruto cursed out.

Yahiko shook his head he stepped up to the blond, and even shook his hands.

"No, nothing like that all I wanted was to help you. I've been hoping I could bump into you." Yahiko confessed.

Naruto couldn't bring himself to believe those first words, but Yahiko's voice, and his expression even his body language was different. Yahiko no longer had that evil look in his eyes, and it scared the blond. He felt like now he was looking at the one that was his friend long ago.

"Why would you ever want to help me when you always hurt me?"

The blonds pass best friend crumbled he ran his fingers in his hair the expression over his face looked like he was scared to speak or even stressed on what to say next.

"I know I did, and I regret it, since the first day.....I don't know what I can ever do for you to forgive me."

Naruto shook his head taking another step back.

"No, I'm not falling for that." Naruto denied.

He turned around about to leave, but Yahiko managed to capture his wrist. Naruto tensed, and the traumatic memories of him being captured like that over, and over again only to get beaten made him snap. Even though the grip upon his wrist was soft, and delicate the trauma was still there. The blond yanked his wrist free Yahiko heart filled with pain, as he caught how frightened Naruto got.

The blond was holding his wrist the one that Yahiko touched. Yahiko's heart broke catching how that hand was trembling.

"I'm not trying to trick you or anything I swear.......I just want to at least if you let me explain why I was the way I was. I know it won't justify what I ever did I know it might make you hate me more, or not have your forgiveness, but I can't go on with life. I can't go through the next day without thinking about the guilt I have here." Yahiko started towards the end he pointed to his chest over his heart.

"Naruto when I found out that you almost died I....." Yahiko's breath began to tremble.

"Naruto believe me when I say, if I knew you couldn't swim I wouldn't have done what I did. I shouldn't have done anything from the start."

"You asked me a long time ago why did I suddenly change, and I just.....I want to talk to you."

Naruto rubbed at his wrist softly, while he thought.

'This could be a trap.'

"Naruto you don't have to answer me now I'll give you time to think about you still have the same phone number?" Yahiko asked.

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