Chapter Seventeen

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Hey, loves! Here is the next chapter I'm excited for this one to see how you loves react! For the ones that have messaged me, or commented and I haven't replied I'll try my best to. I've just been very busy and trying to set a good schedule! Love you loves so so much! 💙🧡

"Gah!" Naruto sighed slumping on Sasuke's couch.

"I'm sleepy." He yawned.

Sasuke chuckled walking over to the blond to sit right before him.

"Well what do you expect after all we did do a lot of homework." The raven pointed out.

Sasuke only smiled softly when he didn't hear a reply, he turned around only to find the blond asleep. Naruto had his head titled to the side when Sasuke turned around he was face to face with the blond. The raven folded his arms on the couch resting his chin on them, as his eyes fell over the sleeping blond. He stared for a moment Naruto looking so peaceful, and happy in a way.

Sasuke flinched when he remembered that pained expression from before.

He never wanted to inflict that onto Naruto again or even have someone else pain him. He lifted his hand those fingers brushing against those whiskered cheeks. A golden lock fell against the blonds eyes Sasuke brushed it away softly then cupped it around his ear. He leaned a bit closer their noses dumped he shut his eyelids taking a moment to embrace that moment.

Even from a single touch Sasuke felt warmth the tip of the blonds nose felt so warm, and soft compared to his cold one. He had the urge to just be wrapped up by the warmth his body felt so cold, and his heart oddly felt like it sunk.

"What are you doing to me?"

Sasuke let the question swim around his mind.

"Or, am I just realizing what I had been feeling?"

He pondered on his question, but in the end he felt so comfortable he was slowly drifting off. He got up only to lay next to Naruto he pulled him close to his chest his chin laying on the blonds head, those golden locks ticking his nose. The blonds scent bringing him to ease even more.


The next morning Naruto slowly woke up. He squirmed slightly he felt so warm he didn't want to move, yet he opened his eyes. Naruto narrowed his eyes, as he only caught white in front of him. He tilted his head up only to mentally gasp. His cheeks quickly flustered, as those pits of blue fell over Sasuke. He glanced around him he caught those arms around his waist he was huddled against the ravens chest.

'How did I even get here?'

'What happened last night?'

Naruto couldn't find an answer, he blushed more once those arms pulled him closer he was forced closer to Sasuke's chest. His forehead fell over the ravens chest he shut his eyes being engulfed by Sasuke's scent. He eased only to allow himself to cuddle against Sasuke.

He was scared about Sasuke waking up, and seeing what he was doing. Naruto pretended to be asleep he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep his heart was beating really fast. He sighed relaxing to embrace the moment.

Sasuke squirmed slightly he fluttered his lashes open only to smile softly. His eyes lowered, and in that moment Naruto looked up, their eyes collided.


Naruto flustered even more he looked down in embarssedment his hands grasped his best friends shirt.

"M-morning." Naruto stuttered.

Sasuke smiled even more he lowered his chin to rest upon the blonds head. Naruto's heart skipped a beat it fluttered with such joy. The raven lifted his hand for those fingers to brush through his hair. Naruto eased even more his body warming from the touch.

A Heartbreaking Dare (Sasunaru)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora