Chapter Thirty-seven

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Eep! Hi loves! I'm so excited to finally update. I'm so sorry honestly especially with work going on I've been so tired. And the weeks having been going by so fast when I checked when was the last day I updated my books I panicked! I thought the most like was a week in a half but it wasn't. I hope this long chapter makes up for it. Please give me feedback and thank you for always coming back and reading my books I love you all so so so much. Btw my new YouTube video I will be uploading later we'll show a bit of what I do for work and how my life is going. My YouTube link is on my profile much love 💙🧡🍥🍅


Naruto squirmed softly in bed his golden lashes fluttered open his blue orbs slightly dazed. His body felt immensely warm, and there was a smooth touch to his skin. Naruto blinked slowly his hand rising to rub at his eyes gently. He was still in a groggily state, and the more he felt the warmth the more he wanted to fade back to sleep.

Naruto's blue orbs caught a pale toned chest the blond lifted his head slowly only to catch that he was resting on his ravens chest. Ebony orbs trailed over to his blue ones.

"Morning." Sasuke greeted his voice a bit lower due to his morning voice.

Naruto cheeks warmed he lowered down to rest his cheek back upon the ravens shoulder.

"Good morning Sasuke." Naruto greeted sweetly and lowly.

Sasuke felt the blonds lips near his neck the words he uttered brushing a hot breath against Sasuke's skin. Sasuke hand trailed up the blonds curved back only for those pale fingers to massage the blonds locks. Naruto let out a soft hum he melted more against his raven. Naruto's hand fell over the ravens chest his fingers tracing small lines or circles along that toned chest.

'To think Sasuke is all mine.'

That thought brought Naruto to smile, and heart flutter. Sasuke sighed he tugged the sheets more covering them up more. He turned his head to the right of him catching the time telling it was six in the morning. He wasn't surprised that they were up that early due to them going to bed rather early.

Sasuke turned back his eyes meeting the ceiling his fingers still massaging the blonds head. Sasuke's other hand fell over his stomach the blonds eyes trailed over that hand his heart fluttering at the sight of Sasuke's ring. Naruto's heart warmed, and skipped more than just a beat. He felt his eyes swelling, and fought against his tears he felt so happy, and just engulfed with abundance.

His cheeks warmed at the memory of last night he couldn't explain how he felt it was as if their physical bodies weren't the only ones connecting. He felt closer to Sasuke in a way he couldn't explain it. It was crazy to him how sensitive his body was how it tingled, and felt the slightest touch from Sasuke.

A sweet smile curled Sasuke's lips his mind replaying last night, and how amazing everything was. To think in the future it was written for the both of them to be together. Sasuke couldn't see anyone else by his side other than his blond.

Sasuke, and Naruto laid, and cuddled in bed for about an hour, before they decided to get up. Sasuke was the first to slip away, and get up. The blonds cheeks warmed at the sight of Sasuke being bare the raven ran a hand though his ebony locks.

Naruto tore his eyes away trying to fight against the blush across his cheeks. He slowly sat up only to wince, and fall back upon the bed. Naruto blinked in shock, as Sasuke turned his way to towards his blond who he caught his cheeks flushed brightly. Sasuke's eyes trailed over Naruto's body that was covered in his many hickey's, and bite marks.

Those blue orbs trailed over to him Sasuke couldn't hide a smirk spreading over his lips. Naruto cheeks flushed more he grasped a pillow to throw it at the raven. The ravens lover flipped upon his stomach. Naruto tried getting up that way the sheets covering his lower half.

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