Chapter Thirty-four

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Hi loves here is next chapter I hope you loves enjoy to the fullest this chapter! 🧡💙


'Five? Weren't they both cleaning till six?'

Kou tensed up as his boss had called his name over the phone. His eyes fell over ahead of him only to panic when he didn't see Sasuke any where.

"Y-yeah." He answered.

Kou wanted to at least reached Sasuke, but what would he say? Naruto, and Kou had barely met not just that, but wouldn't it look wrong, if Kou explained. How would Sasuke feel if Naruto had told someone else, and not him.

'I need to call Naruto.'

Yahiko lead Naruto to a cement table that was by a tree the outstretched branches shaded them from the sun. The wind was flowing nicely, and the aura around the park seemed so calm. Naruto took a seat on one of the benches only for Yahiko to sit across from him on the same bench they faced each other Naruto had his legs crossed, as he faced Yahiko side profile.

Yahiko was facing the tree his orange eyes trailing along the bark then to the wide branches, and green leaves. The blonds past befriend let out a sigh he slightly leaned over placing his elbows on his knees.

"Before, I joined the group that basically bullies everyone they were on my back too." Yahiko started.

The wind flowed between them Naruto's hair slightly swaying, as his eyes were on Yahiko. He leaned back only to turn, and face the blond so their eyes could meet. He felt that maybe if they made eye contact, as he told the story Naruto would believe him. He turned to face the blond sitting in the same position.

"They bullied me for little things. I know it was me then Nagato, but outside school, or sometimes in school it's Hidan, and the zetsu brothers." He confessed.

The orange eyes trailed down to his black shoes where his fingers began to play with the shoe lace.

"But the time that we confessed to each other are sexuality they found out I was gay. They were already picking on me, so I was the first they got to. Over the time they bullied me I got stronger, and was actually able to hold a fight with Hidan which made him want me to join him."

"Of course I refused, but the bullying they were doing only got worse, because I didn't join they were being more brutal, and violent. Hidan followed me one day, and he mentioned your house that he knew where you lived, and if I didn't join they would break into your house. I had tired to play it off, as we werent friends, but they then said it wouldn't be a problem then to go, and that's when I broke."

Naruto tensed up at those words Yahiko eyes lifted Naruto parted his lips about to speak, but the other just raised his hand to stop him.

"I know believe me, before everything I tried talking to teachers even trying to get a police report. I even tried to go to the police station, but Hidan's father works for the police force, and he is very known in his area. If, you know how much his father has covered up for him, and he doesn't do anything, because like father like son Hidan dad is a corrupted cop."

"When I got arrested for what I did I explained what I'm explaining to you even though nothing I say or do can make up for what happened at the park. I was very cooperative with the law enforcements helping them with everything, and to make sure I wasn't violent they don't know I know that a cop is always following me."

Yahiko then gestured behind him where a man was seating from a far table here, and there his eyes fell of Yahiko. Naruto eyes trailed back to Yahiko his mind spinning from the story.

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