Chapter One

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"There is no way in hell am I doing that!"

Sasuke stood up from the patch of grass he was on he dusted his pants, to snap around, and glare, at his friends, and classmates.

His two friends Suigetsu, and Kiba were barking up the hardest laughter they could ever muster.  Kiba coughed roughly to stumble to his feet trying to compose himself.

"Oh come on Sasuke!" Kiba cheered.

"Imagine Naruto's face when you ask him!" Kiba added.

Suigetsu jumped to his feet nodding, and smiling.

"Yeah, dude I could already hear him bursting in anger!" Suigetsu laughed out.

"I'm NOT doing it!" Sasuke cursed turning around folding his arms over his chest.

Kiba, and Suigetsu orbs collided shimmering with wickedness.

"Come on Sasuke it just a dare." Kiba started.

"Or are you a chicken?" Suigetsu finished teasingly.

The burnet, and pearl both snickered, and smirked, as they caught Sasuke shoulders lift, as he tensed against that ridiculous word that always boiled his blood.

"I'm not a chicken!" He snapped turning around to stomp his foot down.

"Then?" Kiba asked swaying on his feet.

Suigetsu folded his arms beginning to make chicken noises.

"Gah! Fine! FINE!" Sasuke snapped.

Suigetsu, and Kiba jumped in victory.

"Yes dude!" Kiba cheered.

"Plus Naruto is over there!" Suigetsu informed pointing over to the set of bleaches near the football field.

Sasuke orbs trialed over catching the blond talking away with Hinata who was seated on one of the benches, while Naruto talked away on his feet.

The raven orbs fell on the sight of the blond explain away, and how ever little word made Hinata chuckle.

"~Sasuke~" Suigetsu called stepping up to the raven to lunge an arm over his shoulder.

"I don’t want to ruin this friendship." Sasuke stated.

Kiba cleared his throat.

"You won't just when Naruto starts panicking, then just blurt out it was a dare, and we well come to save you." Kiba explained with a thumbs up.

Sasuke sighed knocking off Suigetsu's arm.

"Let's just get this over with." Sasuke groaned.

The raven sent a glare over to his friends, before he began to approach the bleachers. Each step Sasueke took made his stomach hurled. He has never confessed to anyone.


The raven was nervous that he would make things awkward, and he never wanted that especially with his childhood best friend. He shook of the nausea sensation.

This was Naruto he was talking about.

'The dobe probably start laughing, and tell me to stop joking.' Sasuke predicated.

Sasuke casually stuffed his hands in his pockets, as he grew closer to the bleachers, barley catching the sound of the blonds voice.

"Naruto!" He heard Hinata gush.

"What I swear it wasn’t my intention!" Naruto laughed out.

He heard the mixture of their laugher to then halt in his steps.

Hinata blinked only to turn to her left.

"Hey, Sasuke." Hinata greeted with her soft voice.

Sasuke nodded taking out his had to wave at the lavender eyed female. His orbs flicked over to Naruto's azure ones.

"Hinata can I talk to the dobe alone?" Sasuke asked.

Hinata smiled stumbling to her feet.

"Yeah, I'm going to head into the cafeteria." She informed.

She stood up dusting over her long skirt, before she bumped her elbow against Naruto's chest to give him a bright smile, and a quick wink.

Naruto rolled his orbs.

"Whatever." he groaned.

Hinata giggled only inflicting the raven to arch his brow. Naruto attention fell over the raven who stood still. Naruto tensed posture soften, as he peered over at Sasuke.

"What did you want to talk about?" Naruto asked rather softly.

Naruto was sort of nervous by the ravens unusual appearance, yeah they hung out a lot, but he was guessing this talk was rather important if Sasuke couldn’t wait till after school when they would always walk home together.

Sasuke gulped to then slowly look over his shoulder to his two friends jumping in excitement.

'Let's just get this over with.' He internally groaned.

He looked over to his best friend to then take a deep breath.

"Naruto." Sasuke started.

Naruto arched a brow.

"Sasuke?" Naruto called.

The raven fisted his hands to then take a deep breath.

"Naruto I like you. Go out with me."

Sasuke tumbled forward bending his body to rest his hands on his knees.

"Jeez why was that so hard?" He questioned himself, as he huffed the breath he was holding in.

His heart was oddly pounding, and hands were nervously shaking. He shook his head to then stand up straight preparing his ears to hear the out burst.


He caught his best friends cheeks dashed with a bright crimson that went over his nose. Naruto fumbled with his fingers to then glance down at the floor, to then peer up at the raven nervously.


A Heartbreaking Dare (Sasunaru)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ